That's right, according to Fang Ze's inference, Kang Pingxing and Zhan Yuesheng have been engaged in illegal and criminal activities during the blank eight years.

  So a few million is not a big number for these two.

  Crime, but profiteering.

  This is also the reason why so many people still follow one after another even though the law prohibits it.

  There is a saying that goes well: there are so many profitable businesses,,, it is written in the criminal law.

  He nodded slowly and said, "According to the team's logic, this can be completely explained."

  "That's good."

  At this time, Fang Ze clapped his hands and said, "Now all the clues that should be investigated have been investigated, and the direction is basically clear."

  "But I'm telling the truth."

  "With the clues we currently have, it is almost impossible to catch the murderer within two days."

  "But in terms of time, we have to arrest the third sculpture when or before it appears."

  "Otherwise, the fourth victim is in danger."

  "Because the murderer moved too fast, the day the sculpture appeared, he started to kill the next person."

  "It doesn't give us a chance to react at all."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone looked solemn and nodded slowly.

  This is a contradiction.

  It's the most annoying place right now.

  Fang Ze continued: "Once all the dead appear, then the murderer will leave Dongli immediately after his work is done."

  "If you want to get caught again"

  He didn't go on.

  That kind of ... consequences, obviously not optimistic.

  Shen Kai was silent for a while, then said: "Fang team, since we have found the common ground of the deceased, can we start from here:"

  Fang Zedao: "Big Data"

  Shen Kai nodded: "Yes, through the big data comparison, filter all the residents of Dongli, and find similar related persons."

  "As long as the victim is identified, everything will be fine."

  Fang Ze was silent.

  is a good way.

  But it's not too late

  Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 314 Direction: Cracking the Killing Code [4]

  City Hall.

  Everyone is thinking about the feasibility of the Shen Kai plan.

  It seems that there is only one way.

  Because all other roads are basically blocked.

  Shen Kai looked at Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, what do you think?"

  Fang Ze asked back: "How long does it take to compare big data?"

  Shen Kai thought for a while, and said, "According to the current information processing speed, if you want to filter out the population of [-] million in Dongli, and remove the children and the elderly, it should take about two days."

  Fang Ze said: "There are three 3 questions."

  "The first and two days are only theoretically enough, what if it's not enough?"

  "Isn't it a waste of two days?"

  "What we can do at that time is to prepare to collect the body of the fourth victim, and then search for the murderer like a needle in a haystack."

  "Second, why should children and the elderly be removed?"

  "Shen Team thinks that it is impossible for juvenile delinquency and elderly delinquency to commit crimes?"

  "The third, eight years, is just what the first two deceased have in common."

  "The third and fourth deceased are not necessarily the same."

  "If my inference is true, then Kang Pingxing and Zhan Yuesheng should have joined the criminal organization in the same year and left at the same time."

  "But it's hard to tell the two people behind."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Shen opened his brows and frowned.

  If so, the scope is too broad.

  Even anyone on the street may be a victim.

  He didn't expect that his plan would have so many loopholes.

  Next to him, Qin Yun seemed to understand but didn't understand because he had only heard half of it.

  Although she was full of doubts, she did not interrupt.

  Shen Kai sighed and said, "Fang team, if this line cannot be checked, what should we do?"

  The day after tomorrow is the time to announce the murder.

  Fang Ze was silent for a while, then said: "The most effective way is often the most difficult."

  As soon as these words came out, Shen opened his eyes and focused: "Fang team, you have to crack the killing code on the sculpture"


  Fang Ze nodded slightly.

  The crowd began to whisper.

  That series of irrelevant characters has no logic at all. How to solve it, what kind of brain is needed to guess the murderer's thinking and people are different, and the thinking is very different.

  Unless the murderer himself said this kind of thing, how could outsiders understand Shen Kai's hesitation: "Fang team, is it a little risky?"

  He said it euphemistically, meaning: is it a waste of time?

  Fang Ze said: "From the very beginning, the interrogation of Xu Yuanwu, the inference of the deceased and the motive of the murder, etc., were not to investigate the murderer."

  "My ultimate goal is to crack these two murder codes."

  "You have already guessed the killing time, which is the number in the middle."

  "Since the murderer gave the exact date.

  explain what"

  "It means that he has been in Dongli for not a day or two, and everything is ready."

  "Judging from the sculpture and the characters left behind, it is not a simple figure, even: the possibility of a professional killer is not ruled out."

  "He is smart and confident, and treats killing as a game."

  "Play yourself, but also play side."

  Having said that, Fang Ze stopped talking.

  Shen Kai fell silent.

  After a while, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Fang team, since the command has been handed over to you, then we will unconditionally obey your orders!"

  "Do what you say, do it!"

  Fang Ze closed his eyes slightly and said slowly, "Since he wants to

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  If you want to play, then I'll accompany him and have a good time."

  At 8:[-] that night, a restaurant in Dongli.

  Fang Ze and Qin Yun are having dinner.

  In front of the dining table, Fang Ze's eyes were always on: on the table, his brows furrowed.

  On the white paper is written:

  He looked fascinated.

  At a certain moment, a pure white jade hand reached out and took away the white paper.


  "what are you doing"

  Fang Ze took advantage of the situation and looked over.

  Qin Yun put away the white paper, pointed to the dishes on the table, and said, "Eat first, then work when you're full."

  Fang Ze smiled bitterly: "Sister, time is precious, it's only tomorrow."

  Qin Yun intensified her tone: "There's only half a day left to eat!"

  Fang Ze was helpless, picked up his chopsticks and said, "Okay then."

  How can this woman be more verbose than Luo Refill.

  "That's right."

  Qin Yun smiled and asked casually, "Do you have any eyebrows?"

  Fang Ze said while eating: "No, there are four 44 letters in total, but I don't know what it means."


  Qin Yun sighed: "I didn't say you, you are too self-abuse."

  "Have to wonder what the murderer was thinking"

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