"Then why did he choose that?"

"human traffic"

"No, there are still relatively few people in the exhibition."

"Representative Landmark"

"It's not right. Although the exhibition is in the downtown area, it's not very conspicuous."








Massive words, like snowflakes, were quickly filtered in Fang Ze's mind.

All the places he could think of were ruled out by him one by one.

Beside him, Qin Yun and Shen Kai looked at him quietly.

Everyone, including everyone, is also waiting.

The atmosphere became a little tense.

The most critical moment of this case has come! Fang Ze paced back and forth and said to himself, "There must be a connection between the locations, where is the connection?"

"What the exhibition stands for"



Thinking of this, Fang Ze's face slightly condensed: "Art"

He turned around quickly, and after watching the half-beep on the screen, he swiped and began to write.

Soon, a column of contrasting alphabetical Chinese characters appeared in everyone's sight

Exhibition - Art.

, Square - Room.

, Park - Game.

, hospital - death

Read the underlined version of the novel, please download

Chapter 317 Prepare for action, wait for the rabbit [3]

Conference hall.

Everyone stared blankly at the letters and Chinese characters on the screen, thinking as if they were: still at this moment.

Who would have thought that strange characters that seem to be inconsistent with each other can actually involve so many things.

If Fang Ze's reasoning is correct, then the murderer's IQ is too high.

If nothing else, at least he is a highly educated person.

When such a person commits a crime, it is often very scary.

And Fang Ze was able to reasonably infer the meaning of the password from a few simple letters.

The monster-like thinking is amazing.

Even if it turns out to be wrong in the end, such an amazing imagination still makes everyone in the criminal police team addicted.

Shen Kai was sluggish for a long time, and subconsciously said: "Fang Fang team, you mean, the killing place is already clear."

"The end of the word is the last two killing places"

Fang Ze said: "I have no absolute certainty."

"But that's the most likely outcome right now."

"The murderer, starting with an epitaph, uses four 44 locations in the city as tombs, and each location represents a special meaning."

"If I'm not mistaken, the four 44 points connected together should form a rectangle."


Hearing this, Shen Kai hurriedly walked to the computer, opened the map of Dongli City, and the screen changed instantly.

After marking the exhibition and Plaza [-], he opened his mouth and said: "The square team, the hospital and the park, which one to choose?"

There are many hospitals and parks in the city.

Fang Ze said: "The biggest park, and the biggest hospital."

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