As for the hospital, it should be the fourth location.

With such a dangerous murderer, he didn't want Fang Ze to have any accident.

Fang Ze chuckled: "Am I not fully responsible?"

Shen Kai: "This"

Fang Ze patted Shen Kai's shoulder and said, "Shen team, obey the order, hurry up and prepare."

Shen Kai was helpless and said, "Well then."

After speaking, Shen Kai walked away.

Fang Ze shouted from behind: "By the way, Team Shen, find me a 210 and fill up the magazines."

It is one of the models of police pistols, Fang Ze is relatively easy to use.

Shen Kai turned around and made a gesture.

Soon, only Fang Ze and Qin Yun were left in the conference room.


Qin Yun's applause sounded.

Fang Ze turned his head and smiled, "Don't worship me."

Qin Yun ignored this sentence and said, "I think if you pry your brain open, you will definitely be able to discover the new continent."

From the moment she met Fang Ze, she thought that she had reached the limit of Fang Ze's detection of every case.

It wasn't until the Yang Da corpse case that Qin Yun knew that it didn't come at all.

Now Qin Yun is even more unable to see through Fang Ze.

It really answers the sentence: people who get full marks in the test do not have the ability to get here, but on the test paper, there are only these scores.

She could no longer imagine what kind of case would make someone like Fang Ze unable to do anything and get into trouble.

If the future does appear, then the suspect will be so terrifying. "Can I go to this operation?"

Fang Ze: "Don't even think about it."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 318 The park under the night [4]

October 2th, [-]:[-] pm: [-]: .

All the SWAT officers called in have arrived at the Dongli City Bureau.

Shen Kai was holding a meeting for all the operatives except Fang Ze.

Especially the SWAT who don't know the murderer yet.

And these special police, after learning the danger of the murderer, quickly put away their contempt.

Who would have thought that such a criminal master would appear in this era.

If it is really according to what Shen Kai said, then the other party is very likely to carry high-destructive weapons.

A little carelessness can lead to casualties.

Don't be sloppy.

At the same time, an action document was handed to the director's office.

After reading the progress of the case, Yu Guoxing was no less surprised than the Criminal Police Force.

"My God, how does Fang Ze's brain grow?"

"Garbage can be deduced"

Then he picked up the pen and signed his name.

And marked: All actions follow Fang Ze's command.

3:[-] pm.

Several unremarkable cars drove away from Dongli City Bureau.

No one knew who was in the car except those involved in the operation.

I don't know where these cars will go and what missions they will perform.

At the door, Qin Yun watched the car drive away and sighed helplessly.

Regardless of

No matter how soft she was, she still couldn't make Fang Ze change his mind.

The other party just didn't take her.

Even a promise to never get out of the car is useless.

Qin Yun could only give up.

She knew that Fang Ze was worried about her safety.

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