Chapter 343 Live photos, inhuman torture [1]

When it came to the case, Fang Ze pondered a little and said, "Maybe things are a little more complicated."

Hearing this, Wu Fei said in surprise: "It's a little more complicated, captain, what do you mean?"

Fang Ze waved his hand and motioned Wu Fei to approach.

Seeing this, Wu Fei came over.

Fang Ze attached to Wu Fei's ear and used the simplest language to tell what happened recently in Dongli.

After listening to Fang Ze's words, Wu Fei's face froze, and he whispered: "There are still people like this in the world"

He always thought that Fang Ze was still on vacation, but was called back by Director Liang because of the case.

Unexpectedly, the other party is always there: Dongli investigates the case.

A lot has happened in the last few days.

An eventful autumn.

Beside him, Xiao Hongbo looked at the two of them suspiciously, not knowing what secrets the other party was discussing.

But he was very sensible and did not ask.

He understands Fang Ze, and he will never say anything that shouldn't be asked.

Wu Fei said: "Captain, this time, in addition to the Yangcheng case, I have to arrest this person"

"Let's not talk about this."

Fang Ze looked around the people in the hall and asked, "Where's Qin Yun?"

Wu Fei said: "Upstairs, she has been in the past two days: examining the deceased, hoping to find new clues that will help the investigation of the case."


Having said this, Wu Fei sighed and said, "This case has a great impact on Director Qin."

"For this case, she hasn't had a good rest for several days since she went to work."

Fang Ze glanced at the forensic department upstairs and said, "Is it very angry that it affects her?"

Wu Fei nodded and said, "I'm not very angry."

"When I first found out, Director Qin scolded the murderer like a dog."

"What scumbags and even worse words are used."

"Yang Da's corpse dismemberment case has never seen her like this."

Hearing this, Fang Ze nodded and said, "It's no wonder that the deceased was too young to cause anger easily."

"By the way, does the public have a big influence?"

Wu Fei said: "Fortunately, we blocked the news and concealed the specific details of the case."


Fang Ze nodded, "That's right."

"Go, go to the forensic department."

"Hongbo, come here too."

Xiao Hongbo nodded.

When the words fell, Fang Ze walked upstairs with the two of them.

After the two disappeared in the hall, all the police officers whispered.

"Captain is back, it's all right now."

"Although the Wu team has been following the square team, it is still a lot worse in comparison. When encountering a complicated case, it can only be helpless."

"Be careful of being overheard by Team Wu."

"It's the truth, don't you think so?"

"That said, but don't say it."

It can be seen from listening to their conversation that it seems.

After the position, it has not established enough prestige.

This is no wonder, mainly because Fang Ze is in front of him as a comparison, Wu is difficult to surpass.

But it should get better over time.

After all, Fang Ze came slowly from it.

Everything has a process and needs to be done step by step. It is useless to worry, it will only be counterproductive.

While everyone was chatting, Fang Ze and the others had already entered the forensic department.

In the huge department, two corpses can be seen lying on the table, covered with white cloths.

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