As long as you are beautiful, you will definitely attract more attention.

Even if you are naturally introverted, circumstances can force you to make changes.

Seeing that he could not get more detailed information from Xun Ting's mouth, Fang Ze said, "Mr. Xun, can I have a chat with their classmates?"


Xun Ting hesitated.

The police who came before also had this kind of request, but they failed the first time.

Students are scared.

Knowing Xun Ting's concerns, Fang Ze smiled and said, "Just say, I'm a new teacher."


"That's a good idea."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 346 Conversation [1]

Twenty minutes later.

It's time for class.

Outside the window, a faint noise could be heard.

Xun Ting brought a young man over.

He was a little cautious, with a puzzled look on his face, not knowing what was going on.

Could it be that I made a mistake and was suddenly brought to the office, most of the students would think so subconsciously.

"He Ming, this is the new teacher Fang."

"Say hello."

The boy named He Ming looked at Fang Ze and quickly said, "Hello, Teacher Fang Fang!"

Fang Ze nodded with a smile, and said, "Hello, hello, sit down."

He Ming didn't sit down immediately, but hesitantly looked at Xun Ting beside him.

Xun Ting smiled slightly and said, "Sit down, He Ming."

"it is good."

He Ming nodded and sat opposite Fang Ze.

It can be seen that Xun Ting is still very authoritative in the class, but there is also no lack of amiable side.

Such teachers are often able to educate students well and do not conflict with them.

Since the post-[-]s came to work, those old-fashioned and strict teachers have gradually started to retire.

This is a good thing.

It represents the rapid development of China's education industry.

Education needs guidance, not forced indoctrination.

"The stick brings out the dutiful son"

These five words are long outdated and not suitable for modern times.

Fang Ze did not rush to ask questions, but glanced at He Ming, and roughly judged the character of the other party, so that he knew what he knew.

Although it is not possible to understand comprehensively, it can also have a preliminary reference

When communicating with minors, you need to pay attention to the tone and wording, otherwise it will only be counterproductive.

After the atmosphere was silent for a few seconds, Fang Ze smiled and said, "He Ming, how are you studying recently?"

He Ming lowered his head slightly and said timidly, "It's okay."


Fang Ze nodded, then looked at Xun Ting, and whispered, "Show me the latest report card."


"Okay, wait a moment."

Xun Ting almost didn't respond.

Didn't the other party come to investigate the case, why did she want the transcript, but she didn't ask more, got up and left the room.

In the room, only Fang Ze and He Ming were left.

Looking at He Ming who was a little nervous, Fang Ze said, "Don't worry, you didn't make any mistakes."

He Ming raised his head.

Fang Ze continued: "I am the grade director of the school. I don't know the progress of teaching and everyone's learning, so I came to you to ask."

"You just need to tell the teacher truthfully."

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