Fang Ze took a deep breath.

In his mind, a map of Yangcheng instantly appeared.

On the map, four 44 points light up.

Xingda District.

Luo Zhongyuan.

The home of the Fan Qingyi sisters.

The location of the incident.

The four 44 positions are connected in pairs, forming a seemingly illogical association diagram.

Fang Ze's smile gradually disappeared

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 348 Retrieving Information [3]

inside the room.

Fang Ze fell silent.

He Ming glanced at him secretly, and seemed to feel that the other party was a little unhappy.

"Oops, that's a bit too much to say."

"He's a teacher, what do I say this for?"

He Ming slandered inwardly and was a little worried that Fang Ze would trouble him.

A student, not thinking about how to study, pays attention to these messy things every day.

I'm afraid even the most enlightened teacher will be angry.

Thinking of this, He Ming quickly lowered his head.

After a while, Fang Ze said, "Wang Junyu and Han Yang, have they done anything particularly excessive before?"

He Ming: "I don't know."

He dared not say more.


Fang Ze glanced at him and found that the other party's ease just disappeared, replaced by nervousness.

"this boy"

Fang Ze smiled and shook his head, guessing what the other party was thinking at the moment.

"Don't be nervous, this is the last question."

"After that, you can go back to class."

"The teacher just wants to know the situation of different students, nothing else, just say it."

Hearing this, He Ming hesitated for a while and said, "There is something that the whole school knows about."

"oh what's the matter"

He Mingdao: "There was a time when Han Yang fought with others. Both sides called out a lot of people. Finally, I heard that there were still injuries."

"There is such a thing"

Fang Ze didn't expect it.

Has the gang fight in junior high school reached this level? He asked, "Is it serious?"

He Ming nodded: "It's very serious."

"The leader of the other party seems to have been sent to the hospital by Han Yang. The specific situation is unclear."

Fang Ze said: "How did you deal with it in the end?"

He Mingdao: "I haven't heard of it. Should Han Yang come back or come back."

"Since that time, no one in the school dared to provoke Han Yang."

After getting this information, Fang Ze was silent for a while, then smiled: "Okay, the teacher understands, thank you."

"Go back, it's almost time for class."

Hearing this, He Ming was relieved and quickly got up and said, "Goodbye, Teacher Fang."


He Ming turned around and quickly left the room.

Not long after, Xun Ting pushed open the door and entered.

"Captain Fang, it's over"

"He doesn't know who you are?"

Fang Ze stood up and said, "Don't worry."

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