
Fang Ze hummed.

"Aren't you going to examine Wang Junyu?"

Qin Yun opened his mouth.

Fang Ze said: "I won't participate, you go to trial, it's a case of the city bureau."

"The case is solved, and Wu Fei has made another contribution."

Hearing this, Wu Fei just wanted to speak, but then closed his mouth.

He originally wanted to mention that he would not compete with Fang Ze for merit or something.

But thinking that Fang Ze has never cared about this, the meaning in his words should not be to express this meaning.

Qin Yun was silent for a while, then said, "Fang Ze."

"Are you thinking about the future sentencing?"

Fang Ze did not speak.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Fei glanced at Qin Yun and then at Fang Ze.

He seemed to understand a little.

According to the law, criminal suspects under the age of sixteen may be exempted from criminal punishment.

For criminal suspects who have reached the age of [-] and will be [-] years old, although they should bear criminal responsibility, they cannot be sentenced to death.

If the nature of the case is bad, at most it is life or fixed-term imprisonment.

In addition to the commutation in the middle, it will be about [-] years: I can almost come out.

It is indeed a bit unfair that the two young girls were tortured to death, and the murderer was only imprisoned for [-] years.

But the law is the law.

The law takes care of minors.

In theory, the punishment should be lighter or mitigated.

It's not something they can change.

Fang Ze did not speak.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said: "Block any news of this case and must not let the outside world know."

Hearing this, Wu Fei nodded slowly: "I see, Captain."

He understood what Fang Ze meant.

Once this case is made public, the fishing reel storm caused by it will be much bigger than the previous Yang Da corpse case.

By then, things will be difficult.

And Wang Junyu will also become the target of public criticism and be pointed by Wan Fu.

Of course, the reel will be slowly pushed down.

But after Wang Junyu is released from prison in the future, he may face danger at any time.

Not only the immediate family members of the deceased, but also those unrelated people who are angry in their hearts may also be detrimental to Wang Junyu.

The city bureau is obliged to protect the privacy of suspects.

At this moment, Qin Yun suddenly said, "Fang Ze."

"According to the scene, the traces, the murderer should not stop"

Fang Ze waved his hand and interrupted Qin Yun's words: "Go ask and check."

"Don't count on me for everything."

"Wang Junyu has been brought to justice, do you want me to teach you?"

"All out."

Seeing this, Qin Yun sighed, got up and said, "Well, you can rest."

After that, the two left the lounge together.

In the room, Fang Ze was the only one left.

He slowly opened his eyes, looked at the white ceiling above, and whispered to himself.


"still not help"

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Chapter 357 Shadows emerge [2]

Outside the interrogation room, everyone gathered to discuss what to do next.

This series of events was supposed to be dominated by someone.

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