Chapter 359 Fang Ze, what the hell are you doing? 【1】

Zero 0000 whole.

Shoal at the fork of the river.

The shadow struggled to climb out of the water, crooked and leaned against the tree trunk on the bank, panting heavily.

His clothes were wet by the river water, and there was still blood left on his chest.

He raised his hand and slowly took off the mask, revealing a very young and handsome face.

Lips, with a touch of paleness.

The bullet was very precise and hit him in the chest.

But no internal organs were damaged.

As long as the bullet is taken out within the effective time, there will be no problems and sequelae.

Obviously, Fang Ze wanted to let him go.

"Really a man of no-nonsense"

"I'm not his opponent."

Shadow clutched his chest and muttered to himself.

"My investigation time, investigation method, hands-on time, and hands-on location were all very clearly speculated by him."

"There is hardly any in or out."

"It's like, watching my every move by my side."

"Dong Li's two fights made him see through me"


Shadow sighed, "This man is horrible."

"It is a blessing for the people to have such people in the police force."

"Presumably in the future, there will be more unjust cases in his hands, which will be revealed to the world."

"Thank you"

Shadow raised his head slightly, looking at the white moon in the sky.

I don't know if this thank you is for yourself or for those who have been harmed by crime.

"I owe you my life."

"I will pay you back for this favor."

Shadow got up with difficulty and walked into the distance step by step.

I don't know if he heard Fang Ze's words in his heart.

will leave this country

On the other side, with the help of the traffic police, Fang Ze drove back to the city bureau.

Shadow's car was towed to the traffic police team.

Fang Ze didn't say much, only told the other party that it was the criminal's vehicle.

Municipal Parking Lot.

Fang Ze took a look after getting out of the car.

The damage to the vehicle is still relatively serious, and it is caused by the impact.

He stood there looking at his car, took out a cigarette, lit it, and waited quietly.

Not long after, the siren sounded.

Several police cars drove into the city bureau.

After stopping steadily, Wu Fei got out of the car quickly, saw Fang Ze who was standing there, stunned, and walked quickly.

"team leader!"

"Where did you go just now"

Fang Ze leaned on the car body and said, "What's wrong?"

Wu Fei said in a hurry: "Wang Junyu confessed to Han Yang, he is the mastermind of the rape and murder case, and also the main perpetrator!"

"But when we found Han Yang, he was already dead, in the warehouse at the crime scene!"

"And died very miserably"

Having said that, Wu Fei glanced at Fang Ze's car.

"Captain, your car"

"Wu Fei wondered what happened to the car accident.

Fang Ze's driving skills are very clear to him.

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