Fang Ze stood in front of Liang Yongzhou.

Liang Yongzhou didn't lift his head and said, "Fang Ze, well done."

"I didn't expect to be at the criminal age now, and it's already high school."

"Just how did this Han Yang die?"

"There is a third person involved"

"Or, revenge for killing"

"Have you started checking?"

"The East Side"

Liang Yong said a lot in a series on Monday.

He seems to know a little about the shadows, but not much.

The news of Dongli has already reached the provincial office.

After listening to Liang Yongzhou's words, Fang Ze was silent for a while, and handed a piece of paper to Liang Yongzhou.


Liang Yongzhou took it.

Glancing at the title of the document, Liang Yongzhou's expression froze, and he slowly stood up.

"Resignation Letter"

"Fang Ze, what the hell are you doing!"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 360 Okay, I'll go [2]

"Fang Ze, what the hell are you doing?"

In the office, Liang Yongzhou frowned and looked at Fang Ze with his resignation application in hand.

Fang Ze did not speak.

He turned and sat on the sofa, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Liang Yongzhou's eyes moved with Fang Ze, waiting for his answer.

After slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, Fang Ze said softly, "I just don't want to do it anymore."

Hearing this, Liang Yongzhou's brows furrowed even deeper.

This news is really unexpected.

He didn't have any mental preparation for the time being.

Fang Ze walked all the way from a small police officer, to the city bureau criminal police captain, to the provincial office criminal police chief.

What a smooth promotion path this is. Looking at the whole of China, who has a promotion speed that can catch up with Fang Ze? More importantly, this is not the end of Fang Ze.

Where the future will go, even Liang Yongzhou is very much looking forward to it.

Because Fang Ze is the best police officer he has ever seen.

none of them.

Now that a case has just been solved, and Liang Yongzhou suddenly ran over to submit a resignation application, Liang Yongzhou couldn't think of it even if he tried to break his head. This is why.

"Fang Ze, are you kidding me?"

Liang Yongzhou stared closely at Fang Ze and spoke slowly.

Fang Ze sighed and said, "Liang Ting, how can I have the spare time to joke with you?"

"Besides, are you kidding me about resigning?"

Liang Yongzhou glanced at the resignation application and said: "Personal reasons"

"Fang Ze, you can't even issue a leave application, and you came to me to resign."

After speaking, Liang Yongzhou sat back and threw the resignation application form on the table.

"I disagree!"

Regardless of

Whether it is personal feelings or the entire public security system, he does not want Fang Ze to leave his post.

He knew Fang Ze's abilities too well.

It is a huge loss for the country to leave.

Also, he personally liked Fang Ze very much as a young man.

Unless it is a last resort, Liang Yongzhou will not let Fang Ze go.

Fang Ze glanced at Liang Yongzhou and said, "Liang Ting, I'm serious."

Liang Yongzhou pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette case and said, "Then tell me the real reason."

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