"In this case, the focus is not on finding the murderer, because the murderer is by his side."

"When you use your knowledge of criminal psychology and begin to suspect that this case is not an accident, then Wang Zhiqiang is the biggest suspect."

"What we have to do is to use criminal science and technology to find evidence of murder that can identify him."

"It's not something criminal psychology can do."

"in spite of

how seamless your inferences are, no matter how seamless

How unbreakable your psychological profile is, it can only be used as the direction of investigation, not as evidence."

"So, where's the evidence?"

"Everyone think about it, speak freely, and discuss."

After finishing speaking, Fang Ze stepped off the stage, giving the students enough space to think.

Then, the classroom gradually became: noisy.

Everyone looked up at the screen from time to time, frowning unconsciously.

There is only one car at the scene.

Then the evidence should be in the car

"Is there a murder weapon?"

"The evidence should not be the murder weapon. If it is so simple, will Teacher Fang let us discuss it?"

"There must be a murder weapon, but the question is how to find it. The murderer would not be stupid enough to leave the murder weapon in the car. It should have been thrown away halfway."

"I think it should be a wound. By analyzing the wound, we can judge whether it was a vehicle impact or a blunt weapon."

"That's the category of forensics, didn't Mr. Fang ask us to put aside forensic identification?"

The discussion was lively and the voices in the classroom were getting louder and louder.

Fang Ze paced back and forth with his arms in his arms, quietly watching the discussions of the students.

Fang Mu had guessed right before.

For Fang Ze, this is indeed a single case.

On the day it happened, the case was solved.

The murderer was Wang Zhiqiang.

When he first arrived at the scene, Fang Ze had already confirmed that the case was a murder case, not an accidental car accident as described by Wang Zhiqiang.

Linking theory with practice.

It will give students a deeper understanding of criminal psychology and other related disciplines.

If it can arouse their strong interest, even better.

These students are all future police reserve officers.

If he can make them better, Fang Ze will naturally spare no effort.

On the other side, Fang Mu has been staring at the photo.

In criminal psychology, he is a rare genius.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

But when it comes to trace detection, he's a little bit worse.

So for a while, I didn't think of any knowledge point that was related to this case.

Ten minutes later, Fang Ze came to the podium and said, "Is the discussion over?"

The voices in the classroom gradually fell silent.

Fang Ze asked, "If you have an answer, please raise your hand."

No one raised their hands.

Fang Ze was a little strange: "Didn't you think of it?"

This should be pretty simple.

If you have studied criminal science and technology seriously and your brain is flexible, you can easily determine the direction of the investigation.

"Really not? Don't be afraid to say the wrong thing."

Fang Ze confirmed it again.

Still no one raised their hands.

Seeing this, Fang Ze nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell you about it."

Walking to the computer, Fang Ze enlarged a few key photos.

The bloodstains and wounds of the deceased in the car clearly appeared on the big screen.

After seeing these photos, Fang Mu was taken aback and seemed to think of something.

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