Compared with boring theoretical knowledge, they are very willing to listen to Fang Ze's real case.

A comfortable campus life requires tension and excitement.

"Fang Mu Fangmu, push the teacher's WeChat to me."

Fang Mu was surrounded by students.

Facing everyone's request, Fang Mu hesitated for a moment and said, "Mr. Fang won't let me push."


"Then you build a group, bring the teacher in, and we will add it ourselves!"

"You can always build a group. Teacher Fang said it himself, let's build a group."

Hearing this, Fang Mu hesitated and said, "Well then."

After speaking, Fang Mu took out his mobile phone and started to build a group.

The girl who answered the question before stood outside the crowd with her mobile phone and looked up.

She really couldn't get in.

Just wait for these people to disperse.

Fang Ze, who had left the classroom, walked out of the school gate with Li Ruisi.

There are no classes today and tomorrow.

As soon as he got into the car, Fang Ze's cell phone kept ringing.

It is estimated that the WeChat group has been established.

Fang Ze didn't care, just set the mute, and picked up the mineral water in the car.

He is a little thirsty.

The three-hour lecture is indeed a bit exhausting.

It seems that the profession of a teacher is not easy.

Li Ruisi started the car, turned his head and smiled: "How do you feel?"

Fang Ze swallowed and said, "."

"No surprises and no disappointments."

Li Ruisi laughed out loud: "Captain Fang, who has been dealing with sins all day, has transformed into a teacher."

"Old Fang, have you ever killed someone?"

Fang Ze put down the water bottle and said casually, "Killed, and more than one."

Li Ruisi glanced at Fang Ze and said, "If the students find out, I'm afraid no one will come to the next class."

Fang Ze said: "That's your idea."

"Legally firing a gun is still acceptable to police academy students."

Li Ruisi stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away.

"Not always."

Time flies, and half a month has passed.

Unconsciously, Fang Ze came to Central South Public Security University for fifteen days.

In fifteen days, Fang Ze attended six classes.

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He perfectly demonstrated the subject of criminal psychology to the students by combining theory with practice.

No one was absent from school.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred.

A lot of students who missed the registration came in.

Fang Ze broke a record.

The record of the largest number of students in a single class.

Some teachers even came to hear the news and sat in on Fang Ze's class.

After hearing about it, the dean couldn't help but sigh, if only Fang Ze could stay in the university forever.

Over time, many excellent police officers will be trained.

These fifteen days Fang Ze lived very comfortably.

In addition to class, this time he finally had time to appreciate the style of Zhongnan.

With a local like Li Ruisi there, Fang Ze naturally doesn't have to worry about the direction.

He also visited several friends in Zhongnan.

Among them is Jiang Xiaoqi.

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