But at the moment, he didn't intend to plead guilty.

  Because the evidence is really not enough.

  "Wang Jie, you better be honest!"

  After Wang Jie was listed as a major suspect, Ding Chunqiu's way of questioning began to change, from the initial questioning to an interrogation.

  "Even if you don't admit it now, we still have a way to collect evidence. I think the scene of the incident must be not far from the hotel, and there is surveillance."

  "As long as we expand the scope of the search, we will naturally find evidence of your crime. If you let go of your mouth at that time, the sentence will be very serious!"

  "Have you thought about it?"

  Ding Chunqiu's words and words directly attack Wang Jie's heart, and at the same time, he is also thinking about Wang Jie and melting his psychological defense line.

  As long as the perpetrators do not have real evidence, most of them will not immediately confess their guilt, and there is a fluke mentality.

  Special interrogation techniques are of great help in the progress of the case.

  As long as the suspect has not received special training, does not have strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, and is only committing a crime for the first time, it is easy to reveal his fault.

  Wang Jie's files have been checked before, and there is no criminal record.

  Interrogation of such suspects is not difficult.

  Luo Bixin also came to Ding Chunqiu's side and looked at Wang Jie in front of him.

  Fang Ze leaned gently against the filing table, not participating in the interrogation, but kept his eyes on Wang Jie's face, capturing every change in his expression.

  "I...I really didn't kill anyone!"

  Wang Jie was extremely panicked, and his hands couldn't help but make messy movements, out of the control of his brain.

  Fang Ze glanced at Wang Jie's demeanor and was suddenly charged with murder, which obviously left him without any psychological preparation.

  "What do you mean? Could it be that Hu Yin is dead?! How is this possible? She was fine that day... She was fine during the meal, and I went to work the next day..." Wang Jie continued.

  At this moment, Wang Jie's thinking is already a little messy.

  At the end, Wang Jie's voice slowly lowered and he kept shaking his head, it was difficult to accept this fact.

  Ding Chunqiu's previous questioning about the murder made Wang Jie start thinking wildly.

  After all, up to now, there is no trace of Hu Yin, and it cannot be assumed that she is dead.

  Staring at Wang Jie for a while, Ding Chunqiu touched his nose and said, "Well, let's talk about the wound on your neck first."

  Mentioning this matter, Wang Jie took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and whispered, "Can you give me a cigarette?"

  Ding Chunqiu glanced at Luo Bixin and then at Fang Ze, both of them nodded in agreement.

  Then he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one, handed it to Wang Jie, and lit it for him.

  After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, Wang Jie calmed down completely, and then spoke in a succinct manner.

  "I forced Hu Yin to go to dinner that time. She has never agreed to have private contact with me..."

  After quietly listening to Wang Jie's words, this simple disappearance case seems to be more and more confusing.

  Ding Chunqiu paced back and forth and said, "That is to say, when you and Hu Yin broke up after eating, you didn't go home, but followed Hu Yin and showed love again."

  "You got scratched because you intended to have sex with her after getting a tough rejection?"

  Wang Jie touched his face irritably and nodded helplessly, "Yes..."

  Ding Chunqiu fell silent.

  At this time, Fang Ze suddenly said: "Is it the intention to have a relationship, or has it already happened?"

  Hearing this, Wang Jie suddenly looked up at Fang Ze.

  Facing Fang Ze's calm eyes, Wang Jie opened his mouth and just wanted to say something.

  "We can carry out trace identification, and for those who deny it, we can take the crime seriously." Fang Ze added another sentence.

  The rest of the people also looked at Wang Jie.

  Wang Jie's lips changed. After taking a deep look at Fang Ze, he sighed and leaned back on the chair.

  "It has already happened."

  After saying this, Wang Jie seemed to have used up all his strength and collapsed there in a decadent manner.

  Fang Ze nodded slightly, rubbed his index finger habitually, then turned his head and said, "Xiao Bai, Xiao Rong, go to the scene that Wang Jie said to collect evidence, don't let any traces go away."

  "Yes, Fang team!"

  At this time, the two of them admired Fang Ze's keen observation and judgment, nodded and left the interrogation room.

  Luo Bixin breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Fang Ze, and nodded with a smile.

  The disappearance case without the slightest clue, now finally has a crime scene.

  Although it may not be the last crime scene, there is always a direction.


Chapter 7 New Directions

  Wang Jie was taken away.

  Forcing a woman to have sex with her is a felony.

  In the lounge, Fang Ze took a sip of tea, still thinking in his mind.

  Ding Chunqiu leaned against the table, folded his arms and said, "Fang team, do you say that Hu Yin's disappearance has anything to do with Wang Jie? Is it possible that Wang Jie encountered fierce resistance in the process of forcing Hu Yin, which led to Wang Jie accidentally murdered?"


  Fang Ze didn't answer this question, but turned to look at Luo Bixin on the other side, and said, "What do Luo team think?"

  Luo Bixin has been thinking about this issue, and after pondering for a while, he said: "It seems that Wang Jie should have committed the crime for the first time, and there will definitely be evidence left at the scene. There will be results."

  Just now, Ming Chuan took the initiative to go to the scene, as if he was worried that his apprentice Huang Xiaorong would miss some important clues.

  Fang Ze nodded and said nothing, picked up the teacup in front of him and continued drinking.

  Luo Bixin took a few more glances at Fang Ze. From this position, Fang Ze's side seemed particularly pleasing to the eye.

  The man in thought will have some charm bonus.

  Twenty minutes later, someone pushed in the door and put the laptop in his hand on the table.

  The person here is Pan Pu, a member of the Penghai City Criminal Police Team. Although he has a low sense of presence in the usual case handling process, he can always charge forward at critical moments.

  For the superior's order, it has always been unconditional obedience.

  "Fang team, the surveillance has been called out. Wang Jie is right. In the end, some witnesses did see him and Hu Yin walking out of the alley, but the surveillance did not capture Wang Jie. It was a blind spot."

  Luo Bixin and Ding Chunqiu both came over.

  In the surveillance video, a young man in a hat can be seen, looking to the right a few more times, and then stopped.

  The direction the young man was looking at was the deep alley where Wang Jie committed the crime.

  In the video at a certain point in time, a girl can still be vaguely seen walking towards the west, but only half of the back.

  "Is this Hu Yin?" Fang Ze pointed to the girl on the screen.

  Luo Bixin looked at it carefully for a while, then nodded and said, "That's right, it's her, we have Hu Yin's recent photos, that's right."

  "Finally found the trace of Hu Yin." Ding Chunqiu clapped his hands.

  Fang Ze's eyes were always on the young man, and after finding that the man was sneaking a glance at Hu Yin, he looked around, as if he was quietly following him.

  Of course, this is a subjective judgment.

  You can only see these, and the others, you can only rely on other monitoring.

  Not far to the west is the downtown area, even if this person is plotting evil, he will not choose to do it there.

  "Check the surrounding surveillance, the range is set at one kilometer, and then confirm the identity of this person." Fang Ze said.

  "Yes, Fang team." Pan Pu nodded and took away the computer.

  Luo Bixin wondered, "You doubt this person?"

  Ding Chunqiu also said strangely: "No matter how you look at it, he happened to pass by, not to mention Wang Jie's suspicion has not been ruled out."

  Fang Ze moved his shoulders and said with a smile: "Let's talk about the results, it's a doubtful point, and it's not good to miss it."

  Hearing this, Ding Chunqiu gave Fang Ze a thumbs up, meaning he admired his meticulousness.

  Nothing happened at the moment, Ding Chunqiu touched Fang Ze and said: "I said Fang team, how did you solve the serial murder case in Yangcheng? That case had a great impact at the time. The former captain of the criminal police team, It was because of this that he resigned."

  Luo Bixin also looked at Fang Ze, and she was also very curious about this matter.

  As a criminal police officer, of course, she had seen the case file, and she had no clue at all, and it was difficult to even determine the direction.

  The murderer's modus operandi is very special, while leaving no traces.

  It is not something ordinary people can do to solve this kind of case.

  Fang Ze chuckled and said, "Actually, there was a bit of luck at the time. The murderer's confidence ruined him. Let's talk again when we have a chance. It's all in the past."

  Ding Chunqiu didn't ask any more questions, and a few people chatted.

  after an hour.

  Mingchuan and the others came back and brought the results of the investigation of the scene.

  As Wang Jie said, there is no moisture, and no other suspicious clues have been found.

  The departure of Hu Yin in the monitoring also illustrates this point from the side.

  It seems that Wang Jie did not lie.

  The investigation of the case seems to have reached a deadlock again.

  Obviously a major breakthrough has been found, but it has nothing to do with Hu Yin's disappearance.

  On the other hand, Wang Jie was a little unlucky. If it wasn't for Hu Yin's disappearance, maybe the other party would not choose to report the crime.

  In the lounge, everyone was silent.

  After reviewing the case again, there was no new gain.

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