Fang Ze said: "The city bureau found me, and I hope I can help solve this case."


Jiang Xiaoqi nodded.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and Fang Ze couldn't hide it.

"Then why did you come to the hospital?"

Jiang Xiaoqi continued to ask.

Fang Ze replied: "After analysis and inference, I think the murderer should suffer from a very serious and rare congenital blood disease."

"This blood disease has no cure."

"I want to come here to check if there are similar admission records."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoqi understood.

It turned out to be looking for the murderer.

At the moment, she said: "Central South International Hospital is still very famous in the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases."

"However, other hospitals are also good."

Fang Ze said: "All hospitals in Zhongnan are under investigation."

"Oh oh sorry."

Jiang Xiaoqi was a little embarrassed.


Fang Ze can't think of what he can think of, Fang Ze said: "Xiaoqi, have you heard of this blood disease?"

Jiang Xiaoqi nodded and said, "The blood disease you mentioned does exist in the world."

"The skin of this patient is congenitally pale as paper, as if he had lost too much blood."

"But it's not. The reason is that the patient's blood is just diseased."


"Drinking blood is completely useless for the disease, it can't save him."

Fang Ze said: "This person's psychology has been twisted. He lied to himself that his blood could save his life."

"And the purer the blood, the more useful it is."

"I'm guessing the victim is getting younger and younger and he has to be caught right away."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoqi realized the seriousness of the problem.

After pondering for a while, she said, "I see."

"Come with me, I'll take you to the blood department to check the medical records right away."

"This disease is very rare, as long as he has been to this hospital, it will be detected very quickly."

Fang Ze nodded: "Okay."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 380 Preliminary lock on the suspect [2]

Central South International Hospital.


Under the leadership of Jiang Xiaoqi, they are familiar with the road.

Three people 3 quickly stood at the door.

There are very few patients in this department, so it is usually relatively leisurely.

Blood disorders are uncommon.

Jiang Xiaoqi pushed in the door and said as he walked, "Director Wang, there is someone from the police station, there is a case that needs to be investigated in the hospital."

Director Wang is a man in his fifties who wears glasses and looks very learned.

He raised his head and looked at Fang Ze who was approaching.

With a smile on his face, Fang Ze stretched out his hand and took out his certificate.

"Hello Director Wang, we are from the Municipal Bureau, sorry to disturb you."


"Do not disturb do not disturb."

Director Wang stood up and shook hands with Fang Ze.

"Please feel free."

Director Wang didn't ask any further questions, just got up and turned off the computer.

Jiang Xiaoqi then sat over and scrolled the mouse to inquire.

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