Tai Wei nodded again and took out his phone.

Then, the two walked towards the left side of the hall.

After the light is adapted, the sign can already be seen blurred on the ceiling.

This direction is the road leading to the surgical operating room.

One step, two steps, two people holding guns, vigilantly observing the surroundings, walking very slowly.

If the murderer is really here, then anywhere could be his hiding place.

A person whose psychology has been twisted and perverted, the degree of danger is self-evident.

He doesn't care if you are a policeman or not.

This guy has gone crazy.

Bang! Bang! Suddenly, a strange voice sounded.

Fang Ze and Tai Wei turned their guns almost at the same time, and their index fingers were already on the trigger.

It was an old window in the ward, because of the sound of the wind blowing.

The moonlight shines in, adding a sense of gloom to the surroundings again.

Tai Wei took a light breath and said, "Fortunately, I didn't bring Fang Mu here."

"Young people, the ability to bear in your heart is too low."

Fang Ze did not answer Tai Wei's words.

Eyes see six roads, ears hear all directions.

Always ready for any emergencies.

Ding! Ding! Tick! Tick! The strange sound never stops.

The timid person would probably have been paralyzed on the ground long ago.

In the narrow aisle, there are still gurneys left over.

The white cloth on the ground was lifted up by the breeze from time to time.

Fang Ze and Tai Wei approached the operating room step by step.

I don't know if it's because of an illusion.

The surrounding temperature seems to be getting lower and lower, and the coolness hits me.

Tai Wei was not affected by the atmosphere at all, and his eyes were still sharp.

This is a battle-hardened detective.

He has his own beliefs and will not be afraid of the myth of ghosts and gods.

As for Fang Ze, his face was calm and his eyes were indifferent.

With his psychological quality, this kind of place is basically a pediatric department.

Step by step, on both sides, there are empty wards.

Occasionally you can also see the doctor's office.

Speechless all the way.

Finally, the two stood in front of the door of the surgical operating room passage.

Fang Ze and Tai Wei looked at each other and slowly opened the door.

The squeaking sound is very clear and harsh in a quiet environment.

The iron gate has not been used for a long time and has long since aged.

The two stood in a room.

Further ahead is the operating room.

The room is very large, and many white cloths hang from the ceiling, blocking the view.

Fang Ze gestured to Tai Wei, indicating to be careful and look for them separately.

Tai Wei nodded and walked to the right.

Open the white cloth, no one is there.

Opened the white cloth, still no one was there.

At a certain moment, Tai Wei's ears moved.

The muzzle turned abruptly.

He heard a slight movement.

Approaching slowly, Tai Wei stretched out his hand and opened the curtain in front of him.

In an instant! A face as pale as paper appeared under Tai Wei's line of sight.

He was stunned for a moment, and shouted angrily.

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