At this distance, Fang Ze was completely sure of everything he could see.

But the girl's body has blocked Feng Kai's key point:.

If he can't kill him with one hit, the stimulated Feng Kai is very likely to do something unfavorable to the hostages.

Fang Ze can't bet.

Tai Wei turned his head and glanced at Fang Ze, and also slowly put the pistol on the ground.

Soon, footsteps were heard outside the door.

Except for the people who surrounded the hospital, the rest of the detectives had already arrived.

They opened the door and rushed into the operating room.

After seeing the situation in front of them, everyone raised their guns and pointed directly at Feng Kai.

"Put down your guns!"

It was not Feng Kai who spoke, but Fang Ze.

At this moment, we must not put any more mental pressure on Feng Kai.

The most important thing now is to make sure that the little girl will not be hurt in any way.


"lay down!"

Fang Ze turned his head and drank.

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"Yes, Fang team."

Several detectives quickly put their guns on the ground.

"You step back."

Fang Ze waved his hand and spoke again.

Hearing the order, all the detectives backed away in unison, to the position where the door was against the wall.

"Feng Kai, don't be impulsive."

"We don't have any weapons in our hands."

While speaking, Fang Ze did not forget to raise his hands, indicating that there was nothing in his hands.

Feng Kai turned slightly sideways, revealing bloodshot eyes and a pale face.

He looked at the guns on the ground, and was relieved.

"What the hell do you want to do!"

Feng Kai stared at Fang Ze and spoke sharply.

He could see that the young man in front of him should be the head of the police.

"I just want to live."

"Live well."

"Is something wrong!"


Feng Kai was a little excited.

Fang Ze slowly put down his hands and said, "You are not wrong, no one is wrong."

"To live is everyone's right."

He now needs to do everything possible to appease Feng Kai.

You must know that the sharp dagger was placed on the girl's neck.

As long as Feng Kai moved a little, the sharp blade could cut through the girl's artery.

This kind of thing must never happen.

Fang Ze would not watch a living life die in front of him.

Feng Kai said angrily, "Then why did you arrest me!"

"is that you!"

"Did you find me!!"

Feng Kai stared at Fang Ze.

The bloodshot in the pupil seemed to show signs of spreading.

At this moment, he looked very ferocious.

Fang Ze knew that his psychology was completely abnormal.

It can even be said that Feng Kai has been completely insane.

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