Fang Ze took off his coat and put it on the girl to prevent her from catching a cold.

The temperature at night is still relatively low.

At this moment, Tai Wei came out and stood beside Fang Ze.

Looking at the sleeping little girl, Tai Wei said, "Is she alright?"

Fang Ze said: "It's okay, it's just that I was dazed."

"That's good."

Tai Wei nodded.

With that said, Tai Wei took out a cigarette and handed it to Fang Ze.

Fang Ze took it.

The two walked to the corner, leaned against the wall, smoked and chatted, waited for the scene, and dealt with vehicles from the city bureau.

Feng Kai's body needs to be transported back.

Although the criminal is dead, a lot of evidence needs to be collected.

This is a normal process and cannot be omitted.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Tai Wei said.

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said with a chuckle: "The responsibility lies with my colleagues. You're welcome."

Tai Wei nodded with a smile, and said, "You are the first in this case, and I will write the report truthfully."

Mentioning this matter, Fang Ze's smile subsided slightly, and he said slowly: "I really hope that there will never be any credit."


Tai Wei was stunned.

Soon, he understood what Fang Ze meant and fell silent.


no way.

There are always dark corners in the earth under the light of light.

Over time, there will always be a few scumbags.

They can't stop this from happening.

Just do your best.

Fortunately, this little girl is safe and sound, which is a fortune among misfortunes.

If there was no Fang Ze, Tai Wei glanced at Fang Ze next to him.

He suddenly understood why the other party was in his twenties and took the seat of the provincial criminal police chief.


sense of justice.

He has it all.

This is a born detective.

While chatting, the city bureau's car came.

Feng Kai's body was taken into the car.

The two put out cigarettes.

At this moment, Tai Wei's phone rang.

It was Dong Yewei calling.

"Hey Director"

Dong Yewei: "Tai Wei, Instructor Fang"

"Instructor Fang"

Tai Wei was stunned, and Dong Yewei said, "Let him answer the phone."

Always: He has been concerned about the progress of the case and has received news from the front line.

The hostages were rescued and the criminals were shot dead.

This is a perfect result.

Of course, perfection is relative.

Maybe for Fang Ze, it's not.

"it is good."

Tai Wei handed the mobile phone to Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, Dong Ju's phone number."

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