Among them, Zhou Lao was impressively listed.

On the sofa, a middle-aged man's face was extremely ugly. He snuffed out the cigarette, turned his head and said coldly: "Murong Yun, repeat what you just said to me again!"

There was a young man sitting in his sight.

The young man was silent for a few seconds, then spoke slowly.

"Mr. Li, Li Chenxuan's death was really an accident."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 396 Can you call him over? 【2】

"Mr. Li, Li Chenxuan's death was really an accident."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the middle-aged man suddenly became more ugly.

Gloomy appearance, almost dripping water.

On the other side, Elder Zhou sat there quietly, silently drinking the tea in the cup.

He didn't interrupt the conversation between the two.

As a bystander, listen quietly.

The middle-aged man sitting there is Li Xingchao.

Identity is very sensitive.

To put it more bluntly: he has the qualifications to have an equal dialogue with Zhou Lao.

And Li Chenxuan is his only son.

In addition, of course, there is a daughter abroad.

One can imagine Li Xingchao's mood when his son died.

He stared at Murong Yun who was sitting there, and said coldly, "You checked for five days."

"Now tell me, it was an accident"

"Murong Yun, you have to think clearly before you speak!"

The icy voice, carrying the majesty of Li Xing towards the superior, pressed towards Murong Yun.

Murong Yun's expression changed.

Cold sweat broke out involuntarily.

Of course he knew who the middle-aged man in front of him was, but when he stomped his feet, the whole country trembled.

Being stared at by such a person, Murong Yun's pressure was like a tide.

If he was a little careless, Murong Yun couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Li"

Li Xingchao waved his hand, interrupting Murong Yun's words, and said, "Ask again! How did you die?"

Murong Yun did not dare to speak.

He bowed his head in silence.

Staring at Murong Yun for a while, Li Xingchao sighed deeply and picked up the cigarette case on the table.

But he didn't smoke, just stared at the cigarette case.

Murong Yun, a native of China, is one of the world's most famous private detectives.

There have been many cases that even the police could not do anything about, and they were all solved in his hands.

The reputation is there, and the credibility is still very high.

Just "how could it be an accident"

Li Xingchao muttered to himself.

"A big living man, walking on the road, was crushed to death by a falling billboard"

"Is there such a coincidence?"

"No, no"

"Definitely not!"

Li Xingchao shook his head unconsciously.

Although he is a very rational person, he knows how to restrain his emotions.

But this time, it was his only son who died.

Even the best attitude can be affected.

"What did you find out?"

After a while, Li Xingchao turned to look at Murong Yun.

Murong Yun hesitated for a moment, then said, "The billboard collapsed because a taxi hit a newly planted tree nearby."

"According to the investigation, it was indeed a collusion."

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