What is there to think about this kind of thing, it is normal to not have a leash.

Although according to regulations, citizens must be equipped with a leash when going out to walk their dogs, but this is not a hard and fast rule.

There is no leash and no one will catch you.

At most, someone should condemn it on a moral level.

There are still differences in the quality of people.

Some people are like that and it's hard to change.

Do you need to think about this specifically? Could it be that Fang Ze has no bottom line in order to investigate this case?

"Old Fang, are you alright?"

Li Ruisi said something.

Fang Ze chuckled: "It's not what you think."

"No leash is normal."

"I mean, why is it so coincidental that the pet dog that caused the accident didn't have a leash."

Li Ruisi didn't understand and was a little puzzled.

Chang Yongde next to him was also stunned.

Does the other party speak Chinese? He can't understand it at all.

Fang Ze didn't explain much, he just knew what he meant.

"Let's not talk about this."

Then, he swiped the mouse to zoom in again.

The pet dog can be seen eating something with its head down on the ground.

It should be food that others have thrown on the ground.

Ordinary pet dogs can't help but go out and see what they eat on the ground.

Unless they have received strict training in food refusal, they will only accept the food given by the owner.

It seems that this dog is not like that.

Staring at the computer for a while, Fang Ze pressed the back button.

The screen rewinds very quickly.

Pop! With the sound of Fang Ze pressing the keyboard, the screen stopped.

The food on the ground has disappeared.

This was half an hour ago.

Li Chenxuan did not appear, the taxi did not appear without a child, and the pet dog did not appear.

Everything is very calm.

Fang Ze stepped back again.

Screen speed up.

Pop! After ten minutes back, the screen stops.

Fang Ze pressed the play button.

This is normal speed.

Beside him, Li Ruisi stared at the screen out of curiosity.

The footage shows a family of three exiting the store on the right and walking across the road.

The child is about four or five years old, holding something to eat.

He took a bite, and as if it didn't taste good, he threw it away.

Because of this incident, the child's father bowed his head and said something, which should be criticizing education.

But the three of them did not pick up the food on the ground.

Just let it lie down on the road.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

This is what causes pet dogs to run away.

No problem either.

Throwing away rubbish is a common problem for many people.

Not to mention children, but adults too.

There are still many people who do not want to fulfill the obligation of public health.

This still belongs to the category of morality, and there are no relevant laws and regulations to constrain it.

Looking at the surveillance screen, Fang Ze took a deep breath and couldn't help raising his hand to rub his forehead.

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