Pop! The screen freezes.

Fang Ze blinked, reached out and turned the computer screen, and asked, "Mr. Chang."

"Did you see this scene?"

: Don't get me wrong, it won't end in the near future.

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 404 It's all coincidences [2]

Inside the living room.

Chang Yongde leaned forward and glanced at the picture on the computer screen.

Immediately, he nodded and said, "I see."

Hearing this, Fang Ze returned to his computer and adjusted the screen backwards for a few seconds.

The moment the riot broke out, Chang Yongde just happened to pass by while driving.

The viewing angle is about [-] degrees.

When any driver sees a similar incident on the road, his first reaction will be to divert his attention.

This is a human curiosity, a subconscious reaction.

out of the control of the brain.

In psychological terms, it is unintentional attention.

Attention is divided into intentional attention and unintentional attention.

The former requires human subjective initiative, that is, will.

The latter requires neither will nor energy.

This is particularly evident in elementary school students.

It is also one of the reasons why primary school teachers need to study educational psychology.

High school students have willpower, but elementary school students don't.

Their learning depends more on unintentional attention.

This is also the most important reason why teachers in the lower grades of primary schools use more games to teach.

The purpose is to attract the unintentional attention of elementary school students.

Chang Yongde's mental state at that time was like this.

Although adults focus on intentional attention, unintentional attention will never disappear.

If coupled with Chang Yongde's distraction, the probability of traffic accidents is even greater.

Mind wandering, plus distraction.

As an old driver, Chang Yongde still caused this accident, and it seemed normal.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Fang Ze continued to ask, "Mr. Chang, were you affected by this riot at that time?"

Chang Yongde nodded and said, "I was affected."

"I was a little distracted, and this happened next to me."

"As soon as I turned my head, the woman rushed over."

"I was so frightened that I slammed the steering wheel and hit the advertising post on the left."

Speaking of this matter, Chang Yongde sighed again.

If a person carries it on his back, he will jam his teeth when he drinks a mouthful of cold water.

Fang Ze said: "If this incident did not happen on the roadside, could you avoid this accident?"

Chang Yongde thought for a while, and said, "If this didn't happen, you would be panicked, but you shouldn't hit the advertising column."

Beside him, Li Ruisi understood the conversation between the two.

In other words, the young man riding the bicycle and the shop owner were helped by God.

It's quite a coincidence.

A series of small incidents collided, causing a chain reaction that eventually led to Li Chenxuan's death.

Unexpectedly, it comes unexpectedly.

The probability is very low.

There is no artificial possibility at all.

Unless you have super powers, you can control everyone's actions.

Fang Ze pondered for a while, then raised his hand and placed it on the keyboard.

This time, instead of going backwards, he fast forwards.

The picture is fixed on the owner of the pet dog.

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