Fang Ze said: "Go back and have a look."

Saying that, Fang Ze reversed the surveillance video by half an hour.

During this half hour, everything was normal.

I have to say what's wrong, there is only one taxi, which seems to be driving very fast.

In order to overtake, he also took the non-motorized vehicle lane on the right and pressed over the manhole cover.

There is another person, throwing garbage by the trash can.

Can't say it's wrong either.

Overtaking is common.

Littering is also common.

"I didn't see anything"

"And you"

Li Ruisi said.

Fang Ze was helpless: "I didn't see anything."

Li Ruisi was even more helpless, he was a little impatient.

"Let's ask this person."

Fang Zedao.

"All right."

Li Ruisi could only nod his head.

Afterwards, Fang Ze put away the computer, got up and said, "Mr. Chang, I'm disturbing you today."

Chang Yongde also stood up: "It should be."

"Two police officers walk slowly."

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Chapter 405 Lies? 【3】

The two who left Mingyuan Community drove again to the place of the incident.

On the way, Li Ruisi asked, "Lao Fang, is there something wrong with Chang Yongde?"

Fang Ze turned his head: "Why do you ask that?"

Li Ruisi said, "Because he was the one who directly caused Li Chenxuan's death."

"Aren't you very observant?"

"You can tell at a glance whether a person is lying or not."

"Take ten thousand steps back, even if Li Chenxuan's death was really not an accident, then it must be Chang Yongde's trick."

"Is he okay?"

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "No problem."


Li Ruisi nodded, but didn't say much.

He just asked casually.

Because he believed very much in his heart that this was an accident.

The process is already very clear, how could it be artificial.

He never believed that such a thing would happen.

Fang Ze said: "In the world, there is no perfect camouflage, only a lack of meticulous observation."

"Chang Yongde is just an ordinary taxi driver who is not good at disguising."

"Besides, he can't deceive my eyes."

Li Ruisi nodded again.

At this point, he completely trusts Fang Ze.

If anyone in the world can deceive him, how awesome is this person.

can not imagine.

"It must have been an accident."

Li Ruisi said something.

Fang Ze took a deep breath and said, "Maybe."

In fact, from the beginning of the investigation, he felt that this matter was an accident.

As the investigation progresses, this thinking has not changed.

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