This position is the closest to the stage.

Not far ahead, there are a large number of security guards patrolling back and forth, among which are also heavily armed special police officers.

Security is very good.

The two sit down:.

Li Ruisi turned his head and said, "How?"

Fang Ze nodded: "The location is very comfortable, not crowded or noisy."


Li Ruisi smiled and said, "I'll do things, don't worry."

Fang Ze was speechless: "You are not doing things for me, but for yourself."

Li Ruisi snorted: "It's all the same, it's all the same."

Saying that, he opened the beer and handed it to Fang Ze.

"What are you looking at?"

Finding that Fang Ze has been: looking in one direction, Li Ruisi said strangely.

Fang Ze chuckled: "I saw an acquaintance."

"Who is your acquaintance?"

Fang Ze took the beer and said, "Student."


"You are clearly looking ahead, and there are no seats there."

Fang Ze said: "Students in the SWAT training camp."

This kid also likes to patrol the SWAT near the star chasing stage, and it is undoubtedly Dong Jian.

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Chapter 415 "Looking Back Without Seeing Youth" [1]

"Special Police Training Camp"

Li Ruisi followed Fang Ze's line of sight.

He knew that Fang Ze once served as an instructor for the elite special police training.

It is not surprising to meet students here.

Fang Ze said with a smile, "It's a good location."

He was talking about Dong Jian.

Compared with Dong Jian's position, their infield front area is a bit underwhelming.

It's the staff after all.

What he is responsible for is the order on the field and the safety of Zhao Yuling.

"That's right."

Li Ruisi nodded and said, "Let's not talk about the special police, many of these security guards are related households."

"I'm here more to see Zhao Yuling than to work."

"It's normal."

Hearing this, Fang Ze nodded to show his understanding.

The closest to the star, in addition to the star's relatives and friends, is the staff.

Dong Jian probably didn't see Fang Ze.

While patrolling his area of ​​responsibility, he looked at the stage from time to time.

It seems that he is looking forward to Zhao Yuling's appearance.

It is indeed a very attractive thing to be able to see the super first-line singer and the national goddess at close range.

Time, it's 7:[-].

As a small area became silent, a chain effect was triggered, causing the huge stadium to become silent in an instant.

Fang Ze, who was originally thinking about things with his head down, sensed the change in the atmosphere of the scene and raised his head subconsciously.

Has it started? Li Ruisi explained: "Appearance is the first step."

"Almost all the concerts of singers will design a gorgeous appearance and detonate the audience."

"I don't know what method Zhao Yuling will choose this time."

Before his voice could fall, it was overshadowed by the cheers of the audience.

Li Ruisi looked up immediately.

In the distance from the stage, a snow white appeared at an unknown time.

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