Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 418 Li Ruisi's astonishment [1]

All the fans looked at each other in dismay.

Even Zhao Yuling couldn't find someone, how could they know about it? That's someone from the military.

In terms of identity, there may be strong confidentiality.

Ordinary people have no way of knowing.

Zhao Yuling received no response.

At the moment, the entire stadium fell into a brief silence.

This is extremely rare for a large concert and almost never happens.

After being silent for a while, Li Ruisi said, "What a silly and sweet girl."

"In order to find someone, I said this in public."

"I don't know if it will affect that... Fang Hua."

Fang Ze did not respond to Li Ruisi.

He understood what the other person meant.

As Li Shenghua's son, Li Ruisi's vision is naturally much wider than the average person.

Since it was not mentioned in the news, the matter of escorting the national treasure should be a secret.

Military secrets.

But now, Zhao Yuling has spoken out about this matter.

Soon the whole country will know.

I don't know if the passengers on that plane will complain about Zhao Yuling.

However, most of them are foreigners, and at most they can only condemn them across the sea.


Huaxia is right.

Zhao Yuling is right.

It's wrong, it's just those who are scheming.

Those who are unscrupulous and ruthless for the sake of profit.

They are the ones who should be punished and condemned the most.

Seeing that Fang Ze didn't speak, Li Ruisi said, "Lao Fang, in your opinion, does the country intend to protect Fang Hua?"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is only one possibility.

Other than that, Fang Hua has no reason to disappear.

Fang Ze nodded slightly and said, "Maybe."

In fact, Li Rui thought more.

According to general logic, this is indeed the case.

After completing the task, take confidentiality measures to prevent malicious retaliation or identity disclosure.

But Fang Ze was different.

He didn't want to get involved in those troubles and make his life more complicated.

He was afraid of trouble.

rather than dangerous.

For Fang Ze, the mercenary of the smuggling gang, it was all trivial matters.

Come one, kill one.

Come to a team 1, kill a team 1.

Fang Ze has never been afraid of danger.

Li Ruisi was right.

Zhao Yuling's actions today will indeed be against "Fang Hua"

cause some unnecessary trouble.

"This girl"

Fang Ze shook his head helplessly.

Li Ruisi said strangely: "What's the matter, Fang Ze quickly said seriously: "It's okay, it's okay."

Li Ruisi was suspicious again: "You are nagging today"

Fang Ze said: "Look at Fang Hua."

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