As long as you are human, you will have emotions.

Zhao Yuling, of course, is eligible for love.

It's just that the road of love is too bumpy.

If Fang Hua really never appears again, where should Zhao Yuling go? Under the stage, Fang Ze, who was sitting there quietly, rubbed his fingers subconsciously.

Zhao Yuling just squatted there, sobbing in a low voice.

His brows furrowed slightly.

After hesitating for a long time, Fang Ze sighed deeply and stood up slowly.


"what are you doing"

Li Ruisi turned his head and said strangely.

Fang Ze didn't speak, and walked towards the stage.

Li Ruisi looked at Fang Ze's back suspiciously.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

The next second, his eyes widened in vain.

A possibility arises in my mind.

A thick look of astonishment appeared on his face.

No, no! "Fang Hua"

"Fang Fangze"

"Fuck me,!!!"

"Old Fang! I'm paying homage to you now!!!!"

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Chapter 419 Is it you? 【2】

Li Ruisi's current mood is difficult to express in words.

Although it is only a temporary guess, the possibility has almost reached [-]%.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no other possibility for Fang Ze to go to the stage! No wonder that... Fang Hua's skills and courage are so amazing.

Courage and willpower are far beyond ordinary people.

I didn't expect it to be Fang Ze! When did he sneak up on such a mission without telling him?

How dangerous.

But thinking about the relationship between Elder Zhou and Fang Ze, he is not surprised.

Involved in the national treasure incident, it should be Fang Ze who came out to look for Zhou Lao.

"Brilliant, awesome!"

"Old Fang, I'm going to get to know you again."

"You kid, how many things are you hiding from me!"

Not only Zhao Yuling, but also his skills and marksmanship.

After all, Li Ruisi had never seen it with his own eyes.

It takes a lot of strength to fight the siege of international criminals and mercenaries alone, and bring a girl with zero combat power.

At this moment, Li Ruisi's judgment on Fang Ze's upper limit of strength changed again.

"Wait a moment."

"what are you doing"

Just as he was approaching the stage, several security guards stopped him.

Fang Ze glanced at Zhao Yuling who was squatting on the stage.

He, who has always been calm in the ancient well, has softened his eyes a lot at this moment.

Zhao Yuling at this moment is indeed very distressing.

Dong Jian is nearby.

He noticed the situation here.

Turning his eyes, he looked at Fang Ze.

Immediately, he was a little stunned.

After blinking, making sure that he was not mistaken, Dong Jian hurried over.

"Say, what are you doing?"

The security spoke again.

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