Fighting, master.

Skilled in marksmanship.

Wait, wait, now you tell me that Li Ruisi, who is also a master at piano, thinks this is a bit nonsense.

Because Fang Ze is too young.

No time to master so many skills.

These thoughts just appeared, and the melody of the piano sounded leisurely.

The piano is proficient! When Fang Ze first acquired this skill, Fang Ze felt that he was useless, and couldn't help but scolded the system a few times.

Didn't expect it to be used today.

Very familiar melody.

It seems like I just heard it.

"Isn't this "Looking Back and No Youth"?"

"Yes, that's the song."

"How could he play"

The fans' comments sounded, and they looked at the big screen curiously.

There, Fang Ze played the piano.

The camera is from the side, making Fang Ze here look like a prince of music.

His fingers twitched, and the interlaced black and white keys seemed to have magic power, dancing gracefully.

The sound of the piano is soothing like a flowing spring and crisp like falling beads.

No jerky or flawed.

It was as if he had played this song countless times.

Li Ruisi opened his mouth so wide that he could almost put an egg in it.

In just a few minutes, his impression of Fang Ze changed again.

This guy can actually play the piano and is a master! Li Ruisi is not an ordinary person, of course he knows how to appreciate it.

This is by no means a rhythm that a beginner can play.

Although this song is not difficult, it does not hinder Li Ruisi's judgment.

I am afraid that Fang Ze's piano attainments have reached the top level.

Moreover, Fang Ze had only listened to it once, but he actually memorized all the notes and played it so proficiently.


"When did he learn"

"No, this thing needs to be practiced, I haven't seen him practice before."

In the center of the stage, when the piano sounded, Zhao Yuling turned her head subconsciously.

After seeing the person playing the piano, she froze for a moment and stood up slowly.

Here comes the lyrics.

Zhao Yuling raised his right hand.

The soft singing sounded again

Fortunately, the youth is not thankful for Jiashu, who wants to rely on the red dust, a song, the prosperousness of the street, and the quiet time.

An empty journey, like a homecoming

Looking back, I can't see the youth, the lost heart-warming years:

Play a light flute, a dream intoxicated by the breeze

When Yu Yujun sang here, Zhao Yuling changed the lyrics.

"Your Majesty, also here"

Fang Ze withdrew his hands and turned to look at Zhao Yuling.

Zhao Yuling walked step by step.

Her eyes, from doubt at the beginning, to blankness, and finally slowly turned to joy.

"Fang Fanghua"

"is it you"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 420 Someone wants to kill her [1]

"is it you"

Next to the stage piano, Zhao Yuling just looked at Fang Ze quietly.

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