Fang Ze did not speak, and carefully checked every corner of the room.

Make sure that there are no unintended dangers that are not man-made.

The case that happened a few days ago is not over yet.

Fang Ze couldn't help but think.

After doing all this, Fang Ze turned around and walked to the door, saying, "Wait for a while, I'll be right back."

"Remember, never leave this room."

After speaking, Fang Ze opened the door and left.

"You haven't answered yet"

Before Zhao Yuling finished speaking, Fang Ze closed the door.


Zhao Yuling was helpless.

But thinking of the arrows on the stage, she fell silent.

Fang Ze didn't go to the owner of the arrow, he knew it was useless.

An accurate and sufficient assassin will definitely make a perfect escape route in advance.

Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

The phone was connected quickly.

"Fang Ze, why did you remember to call me, what's the matter?"

Fang Ze said: "Uncle Zhao, there is something I need to talk to you face to face."

Hearing the solemnity in Fang Ze's tone, Zhao Dejun's heart tightened, and he had a bad feeling.

"What's wrong"

Fang Ze: "Yu Ling is being targeted, someone wants to kill her."

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Chapter 421 Escorting to the First War Zone [2]

"What did you say!"

Bang! On the other end of the phone, there was the sound of a chair falling to the ground.

It is estimated that Zhao Dejun got up and fell because of his astonishment.

"Fang Ze, tell me again!"

Fang Ze repeated: "Someone wants to kill Zhao Yuling."

Zhao Dejun said urgently: "How do you know what happened and where are you now?"

Three consecutive 3 questions expressed Zhao Dejun's anxiety at the moment

Fang Ze said calmly: "I'm currently in Zhao Yuling's concert."

"It's fortunate that I'm here, otherwise it would have been a big deal."

This sentence is correct.

If Fang Ze didn't come to Zhao Yuling's concert.

If Zhao Yuling hadn't said those words on stage.

If Fang Ze didn't go up.

That arrow is likely to pierce Zhao Yuling's heart.

On the stage before, Fang Ze had instantly determined the firing position and firing trajectory while grabbing the arrow.

It was aimed at Zhao Yuling's chest.

Also, the accuracy rate is quite high.

The marksmanship is okay.

At this distance, being able to play the crossbow to this level is by no means something ordinary people can do.

In the age of hot weapons, this is rare.

Therefore, Fang Ze, special circumstances must be dealt with

Zhao Dejun: "Is Yuling alright?"

Fang Ze: "It's fine, but there may be danger."

"I hope to send her to the military area immediately, and I won't let her leave until the danger is lifted."

He has a very bad feeling

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Dejun was silent for a while.

From Fang Ze's tone, he could hear the seriousness of the matter.

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