Zhao Dejun gave Fang Ze a deep look, then shook his head and smiled.

"Fang Ze, as long as these words come out of your mouth, I won't think it's bragging."

Fang Ze smiled and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"That's fine, save your time and look for it."

"If they give up, it's business as usual."

"Don't blame me for being rude if they're entangled."

When he said this, there was a murderous look in Fang Ze's eyes.

Zhao Dejun and Zhou Lao can feel it.

Especially Zhou Lao.

If one day, Fang Ze is completely provoked, I really don't know what will happen.

That's the enemy's nightmare.

At this moment, Fang Ze's voice changed: "Don't talk about this, the motivation is speculation, and what happened tonight may have nothing to do with this."

Originally, the only motive he could think of was the previous hijacking incident.

But now Li Chenxuan also had an accident.

There may also be a connection between the two.

"Let's settle the matter in front of you first."

"By the way, Mr. Zhou, what's going on with Mr. Li?"

"Has anyone been found?"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 424 Can this run? 【2】

Facing Fang Ze's question, Zhou Lao rarely fell silent.

Seeing Old Zhou's appearance, Fang Ze was puzzled.

Did it not go well or say.

After not finding it for a while, Zhou Lao opened his mouth and said, "Still: catch."


Fang Ze frowned.

is "catch"

, instead of "find"

This word is very important.

"It has been determined that it is for human beings"

"Who did it"

Zhou Laodao: "I'll start from the beginning."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Okay."

Beside, Zhao Dejun did not interrupt.

Before Fang Ze came, Elder Zhou had already told him about Li Chenxuan.

Now Zhao Yuling almost had an accident again.

Zhao Dejun couldn't tell how he felt.

He has a good relationship with Li Xingchao.

Although the responsibilities are different, they are on the same front.

Is it really a coincidence that the children of the two families had an accident together? When Zhao Dejun was thinking wildly, Elder Zhou's voice had already sounded.

"The surveillance has been checked. Recently, Li Chenxuan has indeed experienced frequent accidents."

"Sometimes it's even very dangerous, so to speak, and it's a brush with death."

Fang Ze was not surprised by this.

After inferring the result, he has great confidence.

Elder Zhou continued: "After the investigation, Xingchao has completely believed your judgment and began to clean up secretly in Zhongnan and the surrounding area."

Having said that, Zhou Lao paused for a while and said, "He really didn't leave, he's still in: Zhongnan."

"I've been caught for five days, but I haven't been caught."

Fang Ze frowned slightly and said, "Which department did Mr. Li entrust?"

Since it is confirmed that the murderer is still there: Zhongnan, it means that the trace has been found.

In this case, it is impossible to catch five days, unless the people involved in the operation are too poor.

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