Blocking private and military channels is no small matter.

If the trouble is not good, a group of people will be involved.

Is this necessary? He looked at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze glanced at Zhao Dejun and said: "According to our knowledge, these people will not know the identity of the gold owner before and after the action."

"It's the protection of customer privacy."

"But when people are in a desperate situation, dogs jump over the wall in a hurry, and there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents."

"Just be prepared for a rainy day."

Hearing this, Zhao Dejun's face froze.

After bowing his head and being silent for a long time, he nodded and said, "I understand."

Fang Ze looked at Elder Zhou: "Where is Wang Qiang?"

"Qiyang Road, Mansion No. [-]."

"I'll go right away."

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Chapter 429 Mansion No. 2 [[-]]

two hours later.

Qiyang Road, Mansion No. [-].

This is a single-family villa in the suburbs, but it is not of a community nature.

Within a few kilometers, there is only this one.

The surrounding buildings are either unfinished buildings or demolished houses, and the commercial street is very depressed.

Here, it should still be in the stage of incomplete development.

There are few residents.

Especially at night, there is not a single ghost on the road.

At a certain moment, a black red flag came from a distance and stopped in front of the villa.

Fang Ze opened the door and got out of the car, stood where he was, and turned to look at the mansion number [-] in front of him.

The lights on the second floor were on.

But the windows of the hall on the first floor were pitch black.

On the way, Fang Ze had already notified Wang Qiang by phone that he would arrive within two hours.

“The location is really good.”

Fang Ze chuckled lightly, closed the door and locked the car, then walked towards the villa.

When he came to the door, Fang Ze raised his hand and put it on the doorbell.

But he didn't press:.

Because I heard a strange noise.

At the moment, Fang Ze frowned slightly, and then the corners of his mouth raised.

The palm moved down, Fang Ze placed his right hand on the handle.

Click! The door is unlocked.

The door is not closed.

Fang Ze opened the door, looked at the darkness in the hall, and stepped inside.

Just five steps away, along with the sound of hurried footsteps and the sound of breaking the air, a figure flashed from the side.

Fang Ze's eyes are still in the adaptation stage, unable to see clearly.

Visual adaptation is divided into light adaptation and dark adaptation.

When a person goes from a bright place to a dark place, the pupils have an adaptation process.

After the adaptation is completed, the vision will be in the dark and become: clear.

This is a normal physiological phenomenon and cannot be changed.

The fist style quickly reached Fang Ze's head.

This punch is not light, if you don't dodge it, the average person will definitely not be able to bear it.


Feeling that the other party was showing no mercy, Fang Ze snorted coldly and leaned back slightly.

Fist, went wrong along the face.

The next moment, Fang Ze gave a rapid roundabout kick, smashing his right foot on the opponent's chest.

Bang! The muffled sound and the sound of flesh and blood sounded almost at the same time.

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