"Captain Fang, please take a seat."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and motioned for Fang Ze to take his seat.

After the six people sat down, the woman turned around to make tea.

Wang Qiang said, "Fang team, let me introduce you first."

"Liang Fei and Hou An, you know, these two are Gao Xiang and Yan Bin."

Fang Ze looked at the two of them and nodded his head to recognize them.

Casually, Wang Qiang pointed at the woman who was making tea not far away, and said, "She is Tang Ya, the only computer application and network genius of our No. [-] special agent team."


Fang Ze turned his head and looked at Tang Ya in surprise.

Computer is a science major. From a gender perspective, men should be better at it.

In the history of hackers, most of them are dominated by men, and there are very few women.

Tang Ya, a weak woman, was able to enter the No. [-] special team with her computer talent. It was really not easy.

Tang Ya turned around, smiled and nodded at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze nodded in return.

To be honest, in terms of computers, his ability is still relatively weak.

It's one of his few weaknesses.

Soon, Tang Ya brought the brewed tea and sat down.

At this time, Fang Ze asked, "Group leader Wang, aren't there eight people?"

He remembered that Zhou Lao had said that there were eight people in the No. [-] special team.

Only six 66 now.

Hearing this, Wang Qiang explained: "The other is on a mission."


Fang Ze's eyes fluctuated for a while, and said:"

Wang Qiang nodded and said, "That's right."

"Now that Zhongnan has been secretly blocked and secretly stepped up identity verification, they can't escape."

"Starting from an abandoned factory, there are no residential areas around for dozens of miles."

"I think, these guys should be pissed off."

Hearing this, Fang Ze pondered for a while, and said, "Leader Wang, I have already obtained the information on the three people."


"got it"

Wang Qiang's eyes narrowed, and he quickly said: "How did you get the identity confirmed?

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Fang Ze did not answer the question immediately, but turned to look at Tang Ya and said, "Lend me the computer."

Tang Ya nodded and said, "Okay, Team Fang will wait a moment."

After speaking, she got up and went upstairs.

In less than a minute, Tang Ya returned.

Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "Come on, I said mailbox."

Tang Ya said: "Okay."

As she spoke, she turned on the computer.

Fang Ze slowly revealed his email address and password.

It's no secret, it doesn't have to be hidden.

Half an hour ago, he had already received an email from abroad.

After Tang Ya operated on the computer, her eyes narrowed.

"Number two on the killer list!"


"It sounds familiar."

Hearing the name, Wang Qiang narrowed his eyes and said, "I've heard of it too."


Tang Ya looked at the computer screen and said, "Chinese Angel of the Night, a world-class killer."

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