No matter how fast you make it, it can't be faster than a bullet.

Most importantly, you don't even know where the sniping point is.

This is the most terrifying.

The danger in the dark is a test of mentality.

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Fang Ze asked, "Until the end, didn't you find a sniper spot?"

Wang Qiang smiled wryly and shook his head: "No."

Fang Ze is strange: "The sniper mirror has no reflection"

Wang Qiang said: "No, I don't know what lens he used, it seems to be anti-reflective, it was still night."

"In addition to the fact that there is no flame at the muzzle and no sound when the gun is fired, we really can't judge the location."

Fang Ze frowned slightly.

That would be difficult to do.

A sniper who can't find a hiding place is like a poisonous snake, making people restless and affecting judgment.

Indirectly led to the failure of the arrest operation.

Fang Ze said: "Is there a commanding height nearby?"

Wang Qiang said: "It is difficult to do because there is no commanding heights."

"No high ground"

Fang Ze wondered again, "Impossible"

"How far have you checked"

Wang Qiang said: "The radius of two kilometers is already the limit of the range."

Fang Ze was silent for a while, then said, "Where is the farthest commanding height?"

Wang Qiang thought for a while, then turned to look at the young man beside him.

He forgot.

Gao Xiang said: "Fang team, the farthest commanding height is [-] meters. Beyond that, there are already residential buildings and unfinished buildings, as well as commercial buildings under construction."

Fang Ze said: "How many"

Gao Xiang said: "There are in every direction."

"Have you checked?"

"No, I was chasing at the time, and there were not enough manpower."

Fang Ze took a deep breath and shook his head helplessly.

Seeing Fang Ze's appearance, Wang Qiang said, "Fang team, is there any problem?"


Fang Ze thought for a while, and said, "Judging from the construction of the abandoned factory, horizontal sniping is impossible to achieve perfect sniper cover."

"It must be an overhead sniper."

"So, he must have been at some commanding heights at the time."

Wang Qiang frowned: "But the range is not enough."

Fang Ze hesitated for a moment, then said, "Team Leader Wang, you were targeted by a top sniper at that time, and no one died, isn't it surprising?"


Wang Qiang was taken aback.

After a while, his face changed slightly.

"Fang team, what do you mean"

Fang Ze nodded and said: "I mean, because the best accuracy and maximum power cannot be guaranteed, plus your people are lucky, so they didn't get hit:."

Wang Qiang said to himself: "The best precision, the greatest power"

He raised his head sharply: "This bastard, is out of range!"


Fang Ze nodded again: "He was lying out of range."

"It could be two thousand five hundred meters, it could be three thousand meters, it could be farther."

"I don't know what gun he used, so I can't judge for the time being."

Beside him, Liang Fei took a deep breath and said in surprise: "Besides the range, there is still such a high degree of accuracy"

Fang Ze said softly, "Don't underestimate them."

"We are not facing ordinary enemies."

: Everyone doesn't seem to like this plot, or it's aesthetic fatigue, or the author's writing is inappropriate.

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