So what Fang Ze has to face are three extremely dangerous elements.

To be honest, Wang Qiang was a little worried.

If something goes wrong with Wan Fangze, how should he explain to Elder Zhou that Fang Ze looked at Wang Qiang and said, "Leader Wang, whether it's a policeman, soldier or special agent, there will inevitably be dangers in his work."

"This is unavoidable, and Team Leader Wang doesn't have to exclude me and treat me differently."

"Like you, I am ready to sacrifice at any time."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Qiang was stunned for a while, and then took a deep look at Fang Ze.

"I see."

"Fang team, sorry!"

Fang Ze chuckled: "It's okay."

"Before that, I want to remind you again that the enemy we face is very dangerous, and we must not show mercy."

"Once you encounter it, if you are not [-]% sure that you will be captured alive, you will kill it directly."

"Listen clearly, what I said is [-]% certainty."

"Even if there is the slightest change, don't let it go."


The six of them nodded in unison.

Wang Qiang opened his mouth and said, "Don't worry about the team, I know what I know."

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded, got up and put the dagger and pistol on him, then picked up the suitcase.

"I hope that after the matter is over, each of us can sit here and drink a celebratory wine."

Everyone stood up.

"Fang team, be careful."

Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "See you later."

After speaking, he turned around and left Mansion No. [-].

In the living room, Wang Qiang was left with six people.

Wang Qiang took a deep breath and said, "Everyone get ready and act now!"


after an hour.

in night.

A black red flag is driving slowly on the street.

It is relatively remote, and there are few pedestrians and vehicles around.

There are only bright street lamps standing alone on both sides of the road.

The time has passed 0000:[-].

At this moment, Fang Ze released...the accelerator and slowed down the speed of the car.

Finally, he parked the car on the dark side of the road.

This is the blind spot where the street lights illuminate, and it is very dim.

Opening the car window, Fang Ze lit a cigarette and stared at a tall building in the distance.

"The eleventh floor, the twelfth floor, the nineteenth floor, the twenty-second floor."

Fang Ze recited a few words in silence.

The lights are still on on these floors.

His eyes stopped on the nineteenth floor.

At this distance, nothing can be seen.

"Should have a telescope."

Previously, at Mansion No. [-], he focused all his energy on analyzing the opponent's position, ignoring the items that might be used.

"never mind."

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and stared silently ahead.

He didn't know if the falcon was really there.

But if you have a chance, you have to go all out

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 438 Falcon [2]

Five minutes later, Fang Ze snuffed out the cigarette and checked the dagger and pistol.

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