It seems like a coincidence.

If you can live here yourself, of course others can too.

Probably the same person as myself.

It's to evade capture.

这 是

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A perfect hiding place, hard for the police to find.

Hotels and hotels can be searched, but not residential buildings.

If there is no search warrant, it is a serious disturbance to the people and the impact is too great.

The man hid in the corner and thought for a while, but did not choose to go back, but quietly left Jingyang Community.

"Just in case, just wait and see what happens."

The sense of crisis has already occurred, and it will not disappear in a short time.

The man leaned against the wall and walked for a while, then looked up at the construction site not far ahead.

He was going to stay there for the night.

For him, this is a normal thing.

When I was abroad in the past, I had experienced the harsher wild environment, and I was already immune to it mentally.

Compared with life, this difficulty is not too childish.

The man looked around as he walked, and finally got into the construction site.

Bypassing the protective net, the man chose a platform on the second floor.

Feeling the quiet surroundings, the man let out a light sigh and put down his backpack.

He is about to sit down:.

But at this moment, the man's face suddenly changed.

Without any hesitation, he quickly rolled to the side and hid behind the wall.

Bang! Almost simultaneously.

A bullet hit the ground, spattering debris.

In the distance, Fang Ze, who was half squatting behind the tree, kept his sideways aiming posture, was stunned for a moment.

This can hide the "premonition of crisis"

For a talented sniper who has experienced many battles, it is possible to give birth to a "premonition of crisis"

this ability.

That is, he could feel the muzzle, aiming at him.

Even if he doesn't know at all.



Fang Ze whispered to himself, staring at the man's hiding place through the sniper scope.

If he guessed correctly, the other party should be Falcon.

A very good sniper.

If the thought of serving the country flashed past, Fang Ze knew it was impossible.

At this moment, Falcon was leaning against the wall, his face became: very ugly.

Left, can't go.

On the right, you can't go.

In front, there are high-risk wooden boards that have not yet been built.

As long as he moved, the bullet of the sniper in the distance would penetrate his body.

"what happened"

Falcon's face trembled.

He had no idea how he was exposed.

When he left Jingyang Community before, he didn't notice any movement at all.

Explain what means that the other party has been hiding somewhere, waiting for you to enter the sniper range.

In other words, this person completely controls the trajectory of his actions.

How could it be possible to shoot, was it the driver of the car just now?

Falcon gritted his teeth and took out a small mirror from his arms.

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