Falcon was silent for a while, then said, "Who are you?"

Fang Ze said: "Huaxia's criminal police."


Falcon's brows furrowed, and he said, "A person like you is actually just a criminal police officer."

Fang Ze raised his brows: "What?"

"Listen to your tone, do you look down on our criminal police in Dahuaxia?"

Falcon smiled and said, "That's not true, it's a slip of the tongue."

He turned his eyes away, looked at the ceiling above, and said, "Am I going to die?"


Fang Ze nodded.

From the beginning, he came for the Falcon's life.

The fate of such a person is only death.

Not even a trial.

It's just a waste of human resources.

As for oral testimony.

Fang Ze knew very well that he would definitely not be able to ask anything.

Falcon said: "Well, you are very frank."

"Before that I want to ask a few questions."

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Of course, I know everything about dying people."

Falcon said: "Thank you."

"The first question, did you solve Li Chenxuan's case?"

Fang Ze nodded: "Yes."

Falcon glanced at Fang Ze, didn't say anything, and didn't show any surprised expression.

He continued to ask: "Half an hour ago, did you park your car on the side of the road on purpose?"

Fang Ze: "Yes."

Falcon: "Did you light a cigarette on purpose?"

Fang Ze: "Yes."

Falcon: "Did you show your pistol on purpose?"

Fang Ze: "Yes."

Falcon fell silent.

At this moment, Fang Ze's index finger has begun to pull the trigger.

Falcon seemed to be aware of it and said, "Wait a minute."

Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "Why do you have anything else to say?"

Falcon smiled bitterly and said, "It's an opponent anyway, so can't you let me die without doubt?"

Fang Ze stared at Falcon for two seconds and said, "Continue."

"Thank you."

Falcon said: "Did you find my residence?"

Fang Ze said: "You can say that."

Falcon said: "You are so sure"

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Fang Ze shook his head: "There is no absolute certainty."

Falcon slowly closed his eyes and said, "It seems that you are also a strict person."

"What I want to know is, how can you be sure that when I see your car, I will come out"

"How do you know, I will definitely come to this place"

To this question, Fang Ze only answered two words: "Inference."

From the identity of the falcon, infer his character, and then infer his behavior.

This falls under the category of criminal psychology.

For Fang Ze, this matter is not a difficult thing.

Although there is an error rate, in this world, there is nothing [-]%.


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