
Wang Qiang waved his hand and hurried over there with the four of them.

Accompanied by the cluttered footsteps, Wang Qiang's five people went upstairs and came to the platform where Falcon died.

Fang Ze snuffed out the number of cigarettes he didn't know, and turned around.

"Fang team, are you alright?"

Wang Qiang took a realistic look at Falcon lying on the ground, and then looked at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze chuckled and said, "It's okay, it just took a little time."

"This guy is more powerful than I thought."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Falcon.

There was blood all over his chest, and the ground was stained red.

Clearly dead.

Until his death, he still held the sniper rifle tightly in his hand.

For a top sniper.

Gun: , is life.

Wang Qiang was a little strange.

He clearly lived on the [-]th floor, so it was strange why he was here, but he didn't ask.

Since the result is perfect, the process doesn't matter.

The sniper among the three, the nail hidden in the dark, finally pulled out.

"Pack up."

Wang Qiang turned his head.


Several people took orders and stepped forward.

Then, he looked at Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, who is next?"

This question made Fang Ze silent for a while, and said, "I'm afraid things are a little difficult to handle."

These words, and Fang Ze's demeanor, made Wang Qiang's heart skip a beat.

What is it that makes Fang Ze feel difficult? "Fang team, what's going on?"

Wang Qiang asked quickly.

Fang Ze used a short language to recount what happened here before.

There is only one core: the monkey and the tiger, most likely already gone.

"Dodge bullets"

"This guy"

Wang Qiang subconsciously turned his head to look at Falcon.

A sniper with this ability can be said to have reached the top level in the world.

Unfortunately, it was not used in the right place.

"Then next"

Wang Qiang said.

Fang Ze: "No matter what, we still need to investigate."

"Jump over the tiger first and look for the monkey."

"This time we will act separately, including Tang Ya."

"Monkey is a person with super IQ, but his fighting ability is very low, so don't worry."

Hearing this, Wang Qiang nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call Tang Ya right away."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 444 Analyzing Monkeys [1]

two hours later.

Two in the morning.

The first floor of a residential unit.

In the room, Fang Ze sat quietly on the sofa with a lit cigarette between his fingers.

Next to him is Wang Qiang.

The rest are searching in other rooms.

If nothing else, this should be where the monkeys live.

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