"The monkey left no trace."

"Although he left in a hurry, it can be seen that his usual life is very simple."

Fang Ze was not disappointed.

This is to be expected.

It would be strange if he could leave any traces.

On the other side, Liang Fei handed over a calendar and said, "Fang team, I only found this, and I don't know if it's useful."

Fang Ze took it and glanced at it.

Nothing special, just an ordinary calendar.

It's just that I drew a circle at the place on the [-]nd.

Wang Qiang stretched out his head to look at it, and immediately said: "Fang team, is there any problem on the [-]nd?"

Fang Ze stared at this period for a while, then raised his head and said, "Check all the planes and trains on the [-]nd and tell me the destination."

"No problem, give me five minutes."

Tang Ya nodded.

When Tang Ya was busy, Wang Qiang said, "Fang team, will the monkey leave Zhongnan?"

Fang Ze thought about this question for a while, and said, "Let's analyze it from his perspective."

"First of all, what was his first reaction when he received news of the Falcon?"

Wang Qiang said: "I think it should be shocked."

"He's so confident, we can't find him any time soon."

"Now he will be shocked to learn that Falcon is in crisis."

Fang Ze said: "Yes, he will be shocked and think about many things at the same time."

Having said this, Fang Ze paused for a moment and said, "Leader Wang, I don't mean to offend."

Wang Qiang waved his hand and said, "Even if the team said it, they are all their own."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "He will infer my existence."


Wang Qiang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Fang Ze continued: "Monkey has already played against you before. With his thinking, he can definitely roughly judge your strength."

"He's confident, you can't find him."

"But now that Falcon is exposed, there is only one possibility: that there is another force that has joined the search."

"And this person is very powerful, so powerful that he feels threatened."

"So, what do monkeys do when threatened"

Fang Ze didn't let Wang Qiang answer, but said directly: "He will do everything possible, immediately.

Leave Zhongnan."

"Even if it increases the risk, leave."

"For him, Zhongnan is no longer safe."

"He's starting to get scared of me, he has to get out of my detective range."

"This should be the mental state of Falcon at the moment."

After listening carefully to Fang Ze's words, Wang Qiang suddenly felt that this was a war between smart people and smart people.

If it were him, it would be difficult to infer these things from the point of view of a monkey.

Because he can't reach the level of a monkey.

Only Fang Ze can.

It seems simple, but it is actually difficult.

However, Fang Ze's words made him catch a point.

Wang Qiang narrowed his eyes, and immediately said: "That is to say, although he will be more difficult to catch, but"

"His turnover rate will be higher!"

Fang Ze nodded: "Yes, this is an opportunity."

: There is a bit of business in the past two days, and I will make up for it tomorrow.

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Chapter 445 Back to the starting point [1]

In the living room, Tang Ya looked away from the computer, looked at Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, the investigation has been completed."

Hearing this, Fang Ze and Wang Qiang both looked over.

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