Foreigners are foreigners, and it is difficult to hide in the crowd.

Fang Ze opened his mouth and said, "Two people so dazzling can leave by plane and train"

Wang Qiang said: "I also think it is unlikely."

"Don't say they have no identity, even if their identity is legal, it is difficult to take the transportation silently."

"It's easy to catch someone's attention."

Central and South China is an international metropolis. Although there are many foreigners, they are definitely not common in densely populated cities.

As long as you go out, others will look twice for sure.

It is impossible for a person as smart as a monkey to not understand this truth.

Put yourself in the danger of exposure, monkeys won't be so stupid.

Perhaps the number [-] marked on the calendar was not the date of departure, but just a coincidence. Wang Qiang looked at Fang Ze, and the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Fang Ze pondered for a while, then said, "There's still a lot to say."

"In short, Monkey's top priority now is to leave Huaxia as soon as possible, even if it leaves Zhongnan."

"He wouldn't dare to stay in this place."

"For every extra second left, there is an extra risk for him."

He repeated his reasoning.

In any case, the monkey will definitely leave in a short time.

As for how, I don't know yet.

Hearing this, Wang Qiang hesitated and said, "Could it be that he will be desperate and really dare to fly back or take a train"

Fang Ze said: "If we talk about planes and trains separately, I personally think trains are more likely."

"Bay City is close to the coast, and there are still many ways to leave."

"And, we don't know yet whether he has outside help."

"So any possibility can't be let go."

"Let's check it out."

Wang Qiang nodded: "Okay, we all listen to you."

Now he has no confidence in catching the monkey.

Fortunately, Elder Zhou called Fang Ze over.

Otherwise, the slightest mistake will cause the monkey to leave Zhongnan.

By then, the trouble will be big.

Fang Ze said: "Let's talk about it tomorrow, go back to rest first."

"By the way, is there any room in Mansion No. [-]?"

Wang Qiang hurriedly said: "Of course, the team will go back with us, it will be more convenient to move."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Well, this is the best."

"Falcon's don't inform Zhou Lao and Mr. Li in advance, and talk about it after the matter is over."

Wang Qiang said: "Okay."

That night, Fang Ze and the others returned to Mansion No. [-].

They did not continue talking about looking for someone, and went to rest in their respective rooms.

The monkey has just left, and its whereabouts are uncertain. It is useless to look for it all night.

Even Fang Ze couldn't make an accurate judgment for a while.

All I can say is, it's back to where it started.

Luckily, the thread hasn't been completely cut off yet.

Maybe the next day's investigation will yield new results

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 446 Zhongnan Municipal Bureau [2]

Six o'clock the next morning.

When Wang Qiang got up and came to the living room, he saw Fang Ze was already sitting here.

"Fang team, so early"

Wang Qiang said while walking.

They came back at about three in the morning, and Fang Ze had only slept for a few hours.

Fang Ze held a cup of hot tea, looked at Wang Qiang who was approaching, and said with a smile, "The early bird catches the worm."

"Team Leader Wang is also very early."

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