"Furthermore, if the monkey had left a loophole because of panic and calmed down afterwards, wouldn't he have thought of this?"

Fang Ze nodded: "I'm thinking about this too."

Wang Qiang's words, in one sentence.

On the surface, the monkeys do have a good chance of heading to Bay City.

But at a deeper level, with his IQ, he will definitely think in a different position.

He will consider what the enemy thinks.

A person who can find the location of a falcon, can't notice the date on the calendar? The monkey must care about that.

If so, he may still change his plans.

Everything is about stability.

It's hard to say what the facts are and how the monkeys will deal with it.

"Actually, there is another point. We are only checking trains."

"And the way to leave Zhongnan, it's not just the train."

Fang Ze continued.

Wang Qiang nodded: "Yes, there are many ways to leave, but there are risks."

"The gap is almost completely blocked, and no means of transport can get in."

Fang Ze said: "Anyway, the date on the [-]nd must have his particularity."

"It's just that we don't know yet at which point this particularity lies."

"Let's check Bay City first, at least to determine where the monkeys are expected to escape."

"Even if he has given up, it is an additional clue, and it may be used to deduce his next plan."

Wang Qiang nodded and said, "Okay."

When dealing with people like monkeys, no small clues can be given up.

Anything related to it should be investigated.

Success and failure are often determined by details.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was 8:[-].

This is the working hours of Zhongnan Municipal Bureau.

"Let's go."

Fang Ze got up and walked towards the city bureau with Wang Qiang.

At the gate, Fang Ze took out his credentials, kept walking, and said, "Hello, I'm looking for Team Tai from the City Bureau."

"Please come in."

When the security guard at the door saw the certificate, he politely extended his hand.


Fang Ze had just walked a few steps before turning his head to look at the security guard.

Beside him, Wang Qiang said, "What's wrong?"

Fang Ze turned around and said, "The newcomer"

The security guard on duty today is a man in his thirties.

Hearing Fang Ze's question, the man nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's just been over a month."


Fang Ze nodded, didn't care, turned around and walked towards the city hall with Wang Qiang.

On the way, Wang Qiang wondered: "Fang team, is there any problem?"

Fang Ze said with a smile: "No, no, I've been to the city bureau several times, and the security guards are all familiar. That person was a little strange just now, so I asked casually."

He has the habit of watching everyone.

As long as you have seen it, you will naturally have a memory.

Hearing this, Wang Qiang nodded and didn't say much.

After finishing speaking, Fang Ze's brows wrinkled indistinctly.

Although it was unfamiliar, Fang Ze always felt a touch of familiarity.

Seems like I've seen it somewhere.

Is it an illusion? Maybe I have seen too many people in recent years, and it is normal to have overlaps.

Fang Ze put aside his thoughts and walked into the hall with Wang Qiang.

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Chapter 447 The smuggling gang in Bay City [1]

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