Unless the quality is really a problem.

But that...the probability is very small.

Fang Ze asked: "Besides smuggling mobile phones, is there anything else?"

Tai Wei said: "Of course there is."

"Cigarettes, red and white wine, even oil, etc."

"These guys are very daring, as long as it is something that makes money, they are all involved."

Fang Ze nodded: "It is quite possible to choose a smuggling target."

"Especially on cigarettes, the profits are too great."

Tai Weidao: "Yes, for some cigarettes, the profit margin can even reach an astonishing [-]% or more."

Smuggling, which seriously disrupts the country's economic order, has always been a key target of the country's crackdown.

Fang Ze said: "Tai team, isn't the smuggling case the work of the anti-smuggling team? What are you doing?"

Tai Wei explained with a smile: "It's a coincidence that there was a criminal case before, which involved the smuggling gang in Bay City."

"At that time, a special task force was also set up, and I was also in it."

Hearing this person, Fang Ze nodded clearly: "So it is."

Regardless of

It is normal for the criminal police brigade, the anti-smuggling brigade or the anti-drug brigade, etc.

The purpose is to fight against criminal gangs. If we act together, the efficiency will be much higher.

After all, the industry has special control.

It's somewhat difficult for you to ask the anti-smuggling team to investigate the murder case.

In the end, you can only get twice the result with half the effort.

Fang Ze continued to ask: "What is the specific situation?"

"Since the smuggling gang has not been completely destroyed, why should the task force be removed?"

Tai Wei said: "After the leader of the gang was caught, the rest disappeared."

"Some stayed in Bay City to hide, some went to other cities and provinces, and it took time and effort to find them."

"The above means that since the loss has been reduced to zero, let's end it first."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Oh."


With limited police force and prioritization, it is impossible to be perfect.

As long as the national losses can be minimized and the crime rate can be cracked down, it is already a better result.

"In other words, there are still smuggling channels in Bay City."

Tai Wei nodded and said, "Yes, the local anti-smuggling team is probably not idle either."

Fang Ze said, "Smuggling ships in what way?"

Tai Wei nodded.

"As long as you leave Bay City, it's hard to find."

Fang Ze pondered for a while, and said, "That is to say, it is possible to smuggle in."


Tai Wei was stunned for a moment.

The sudden change from smuggling to smuggling made him unresponsive all of a sudden.

He quickly said: "Of course it is possible, so when the criminal police brigade arrests people, they often ask for help from the anti-smuggling team."


Fang Ze nodded.

As a criminal police officer, he naturally knows this.

In Yangcheng, when he was catching criminals, he also communicated with the anti-smuggling team.

In terms of the ability to hide from the sky, the most powerful ones are not the mad criminals, but the smuggling gangs.

That is the ability to eat, and it has almost been mastered by them.

Or the same sentence: there are specialties in the art industry

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 448 Follow me! 【2】

Central South Municipal Bureau.

The reception room.

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