"Sit down first, Director."

Seeing that Dong Yewei had been standing, Fang Ze said.

"it is good."

Dong Yewei nodded and sat on the chair next to him.

Fang Ze asked, "Have you found it?"

Dong Yewei said: "I found it, it was recruited by the deputy department of the personnel department."

"What about the program"

Dong Yewei hesitated for a moment and said, "There is a problem."


Dong Yewei said: "Liu Rui."

Hearing this, Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and said, "Sorry Director, I can't hide this."

When it comes to Li Xingchao, he doesn't dare to play tricks.

Dong Yewei took a deep breath, nodded slowly and said, "I can understand."

Later, Fang Ze called Li Xingchao.


Fang Ze: "Mr. Li, I'm Fang Ze."

Li Xingchao: "How is the investigation?"

He had already learned from Mr. Zhou that Fang Ze was involved in the arrest.

Fang Ze: "One was killed, one was just caught, and the last one was caught before the [-]rd."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Qiang glanced at Fang Ze.

Really dare to say this.

requires great confidence

Li Xingchao was obviously surprised: "So fast"

The No. [-] special agent team has been arrested for several days without any results. After Fang Ze participated, he was able to achieve such high efficiency. Did he seriously underestimate Fang Ze's ability? , The person arrested today is a security guard in the city bureau, recruited by the personnel department, and his name is Liu Rui."

Li Xingchao: "What about people?"

Fang Ze: "In the bureau, I haven't asked yet."

Li Xingchao: "Who is the director?"

Fang Ze glanced at Dong Yewei and said, "Dong Yewei."

Li Xingchao: "You don't have to worry about this."

Fang Ze: "Okay."

The phone hangs up.

On the other side, on Dong Yewei's forehead, fine sweat has begun to ooze

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Chapter 451 Disguise Disguise [1]

It would be better if Li Xingchao hadn't asked his name.

Maybe this will pass.

Now that the other party has deliberately asked his name again, isn't he planning to clean up together? Although Liu Rui's matter has nothing to do with him directly, he is the direct leader after all.

When a subordinate has a problem, the leader will inevitably suffer.

"This Liu Rui!"

"what the hell!"

"Is this place letting people in casually!"

Dong Yewei cursed inwardly.

From the perspective of unit recruitment, the Public Procuratorate Law is arguably the department with the strictest recruitment review.

This is not the same as career writing.

Especially the city council.

Not to mention regular employees.

Even contract workers.

Even for temporary workers, the applicant's criminal record must be strictly checked.

Not to mention criminal offenses, not even minor offenses.

Such as yellow gambling, such as drunk driving, etc.

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