Is this guy a lunatic? Wang Qiang, who was beside him, couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

It's that Fang Ze's expression and voice are too realistic.

He really can't tell whether the other party is just frightening or frightening, or it's real! Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 454 Mentality Showdown [1]

For the next two hours, Fang Ze used a calm tone to describe to Borg more than a dozen kinds of tortures in ancient China.

Including but not limited to car cracks, gun burns, executions, pins, etc.

As Fang Ze talked more and more, he became more excited and more exciting.

Borg's face became: more and more ugly.

At the end, the way he looked at Fang Ze was completely different from before.

It's hard to imagine that so many chilling and cruel punishments would be spoken out in the mouth of a young man like a commonplace.

During this period, Fang Ze has been very calm.

As if all this was insignificant to him.

Give Borg an illusion: if you can try it, it will be perfect.

At this moment, Borg was already in Fang Ze, and a trace of fear rose in his heart.

Look at each other's appearance, it's not like a joke.

He really wanted to do this! This guy is simply a lunatic! Fang Ze finally finished.

He lit a cigarette and rested for a while, then said slowly, "Chinese culture is vast and profound."

"You don't have to say, I have a way to find that person."

"But before that, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for you."

"How about the several games just mentioned, choose your own"

"Or, let me help you choose"

"Why don't I help you choose, there are several ways that I'm quite interested in."

Borg stared at Fang Ze, gritted his teeth and said, "You are a lunatic!!"


Fang Ze raised his brows and said indifferently, "Whatever you say."

"Don't worry, you still have time to prepare, we will take your time."

Having said that, Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Help me find a set of scalpels, right away."

Wang Qiang's face froze, hesitantly nodded and said, "Okay."

Then, he turned and left the interrogation room.

And Fang Ze's words made Wang Qiang's face pale.

No one is not afraid of pain.

It's just that some people's willpower can bear it.

Although Borg believed in his willpower, the torture that Fang Ze said still made him tremble.

"The surname is Fang!"

"Kill me if you have one!!"

Borg struggled, trying to get up from the iron chair.

But he was bound so firmly that he couldn't break free.

In the room, there was only a banging sound.

Looking at the struggling Borg, Fang Ze chuckled: "Kill you"

"It's so boring to kill you."

"According to our Chinese myths and legends, if you die, you will go to hell."

"Instead of being tortured by then, I'll let you try it first."

"Maybe the King of Hell will spare you the punishment of hell if you are pitiful."

"I'm helping you."

Fang Ze laughed.

Laughter and smiles are like demons from hell to Borg.

"you you"

Borg stared at Fang Ze, and thin bloodshots began to appear in his pupils.

He never imagined that in today's [-]st century, in the modern age where humanitarianism is popular all over the world, there would still be a perverted person like Fang Ze! Fang Ze raised his hand, made a downward movement, and said with a smile, "Don't get excited. , don't get excited, relax."

"no big deal."

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