It is Tai Wei.

He walked over to Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, have you asked?"

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "There's no progress yet, it's a tough bone to crack."

Tai Wei was silent.

This is also not possible.

If the suspect doesn't intend to speak, it's useless.

After hesitating for a while, Tai Wei said, "Fang team, do you know about the board of directors?"


Hearing this, Fang Ze turned his head and asked in doubt, "What's wrong with the Director?"

He has been busy interrogating Borg and did not know about Dong Yewei's suspension.

Tai Wei opened his mouth and was about to tell the other party about this.


At this moment, a voice sounded from not far away.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

Dong Jian ran into the city bureau and stood in front of Fang Ze panting.

After seeing Dong Jian, Fang Ze wondered: "Why are you here Dong Jian?"


Dong Jian glanced at Tai Wei and then at Wang Qiang.

Seeing this, Fang Ze said, "There are no outsiders here, so speak directly."

Tai Wei looked at Dong Jian and guessed something.

After a little hesitation, Dong Jian said, "Instructor, do you know about my dad's suspension?"


Fang Ze was stunned, "The board of directors has been suspended."

Saying that, he turned to look at Tai Wei who was beside him.

Tai Wei sighed and nodded, "Yes."

Fang Ze frowned slightly and said, "The rule is not strict."


Tai Wei nodded again.

Fang Ze blinked and looked at Dong Jian.

Lax governance is a relatively vague concept, and many cases have been dealt with in the past.

Generally speaking, it is a violation of discipline.

Responsibility is light: delay retirement.

In more serious terms, it is a punishment.

Suspension is very rare.

However, this matter involves Li Xingchao, which is understandable from a serious point of view.

Looking at Dong Jian in front of him, Fang Ze said, "What do you want to say?"

Dong Jian lowered his head slightly and said, "Instructor, can you beg for mercy?"

He didn't know Fang Ze's background, but he should be able to speak.

The matter of Dong Yewei made him very anxious.

Dong Jian believed that his father would never violate the rules and disciplines.

There must be some misunderstandings or mistakes in this.

He asked someone to check it, but he couldn't find it at all.

What else can I do but help Fang Ze.

After all, the other party is the only person he has truly admired since he started working.

"Is it that serious?"

Fang Ze didn't expect it.

Being dealt with is affirmative, and warning is fine.

Why did Li Xingchao immediately suspend his job? He was really merciless.

"Instructor, please!"

Dong Jian spoke again.

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