After speaking, he stood at attention and gave Fang Ze a standard military salute.

Then he turned and left quickly.

Dong Jian did not say thank you.

Such a great kindness, "thank you"

These two words are already very pale.

He kept it in mind.

After Dong Jian left, Fang Ze fell into deep thought.

What he thought was not Dong Yewei, but Borg.

The matter of Dong Yewei was just an episode for him.

This is not what he should think about.

Beside him, Tai Wei opened his mouth and wanted to ask something.

But seeing that Fang Ze was thinking, he gave up.

After a while, Fang Ze looked at the time, turned around and said, "Go back to continue the trial, I have to pry his mouth open today!"

Since thirty-two thirty-two hours have been wasted, there is only one way to go to the dark.

Temporarily changing the direction of the investigation will have a multiplier effect.

Regardless of

What is the result of the interrogation of Borg, we can only continue.

Tai Wei did not disturb him much and continued to wait outside the interrogation room.

He can't do anything right now, and he can't help.

What even Fang Ze couldn't solve, he didn't think he could do it.

What's more, this is not something he can interfere with.

Interrogation room.

At this time, Borg's face was a little haggard, but his eyes were still bright.

The mental state was not affected much.

Thirty-two and 32 hours.

Nothing to him.

People like Borg can't be judged by common sense.

He is no ordinary person.

Besides, thirty-two and 32 hours is an average person and can bear it.

On the iron chair, Borg raised his head and glanced at Fang Ze, and then continued to maintain his state.

He knew very well that it would be very difficult for him to survive.

"You're going to keep Shen Fangze coming over and say.

At the same time, he took out a cigarette and lit it.

I don't know since when, nicotine can stimulate his brain thinking.

It could also be an illusion.

But he liked the taste of tobacco.

Borg continued to remain silent.

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded and took a puff: "Why don't we talk about Angel of the Night"

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


These four words made Borg slowly raise his head and frowned: "You know the Angel of the Night"

Fang Ze chuckled: "Of course."

Borg was silent for a while, and said, "There's nothing to talk about."

He wasn't surprised.

With the identity and ability of the other party, it is not difficult to find out this.

Fang Ze's eyes moved slightly, and he approached: "My patience is running out, understand?"

Borg lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing that Borg was hard like a rock, Fang Ze finally got a little angry.

He straightened up, threw away the cigarette and said coldly, "Hold him down."

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