Is it such a coincidence? Hearing these words, Wang Qiang hesitated: "It's not so simple."

"If it wasn't for you, we would never have found out that Liu Ping has a problem."

"The security guard of the city bureau is very different in appearance. No matter how much you check, you can't find him."

Wang Qiang's meaning is very clear.

Only Fang Ze could recognize through the sky-defying face and realize that Liu Ping was right under his nose.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place"

This sentence.


Fang Ze still frowned.

There is nothing wrong with Wang Qiang's words, and the logic is very logical.

Finding out about Liu Ping was indeed very difficult.

I'm afraid I can't do it with anyone else.

And Liu Ping's reaction and interrogation process, there is no problem.

However, Fang Ze still felt that something was wrong.

It feels like I'm being led by the nose.

Where did the problem catch Liu Ping, and what did they get except that Angus would go to Bay City and leave on a specific train, but they didn't know anything else.

And Fang Ze's eyes narrowed and he said, "Three days"

"In a way, we wasted three days!"

Wang Qiang was even more puzzled: "Ah, what did the team say?"


Fang Ze drank softly.

Hearing this, Wang Qiang did not hesitate and immediately stopped by the side of the road.

"Fang team, what's wrong"

Fang Ze's face was a little ugly.

"Angus is such a smart person that he will mark the date in the calendar at home"

"He is such a cautious person, he will tell Liu Ping the specific train schedule"

"I'm afraid we've been tricked by this bastard!"

"He used these few days to prepare other things!"

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Chapter 459 Terrible Angus [2]


Fang Ze's words changed Wang Qiang's expression.

I used these few days to do other things. What does it mean? Angus, deliberately caused a few days of investigation blank period, Fang Ze gritted his teeth, and his face became more and more ugly.

He is a very stable person.

Even in the face of the conflicting clues from Ruan Hongyi, even in the face of the pressure from the shadows, it did not shake his mentality in the slightest.

But this time, Fang Ze's mood was shaken quite a bit.

Not for anything else, but because of myself, I fell into the trap carefully designed by Angus.

And he didn't even notice it.

Fang Ze was silent for a long time, then pushed the door and got out of the car.

Standing on the side of the road, the breeze was blowing, and he lit a cigarette.

On the other side, Wang Qiang also got out of the car and came to Fang Ze's side.

"what's the situation"

"Fang team, what's wrong"

A few people were surprised and asked.

Shouldn't we go to the train station now, are you going to catch Angus? Why did he stop suddenly? Fang Ze took a few puffs of cigarette and said slowly, "From the moment the falcon's position was exposed, Angus had already thought about the next step. ."

"I don't know what the plan is yet."

"But Liu Ping is very important!"

Hearing this, several people looked at each other, not understanding what Fang Ze meant.

Wang Qiang looked solemn and said, "Fang team, you don't mean to say that Liu Ping is Angus' pawn, right?"

Fang Ze nodded and said, "You can say that."

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