"It can explain my ability, beyond his imagination."


"But he's prepared, he's prepared."

"Interrogating Liu Ping, he won't get any useful information, he will only give him away and buy precious time."

"So no matter

Whether or not Liu Ping can be discovered will not do any harm to Angus!"

"Also, no matter what

Whether my ability is strong or weak has no influence on him."

"Weak, the two leave."

"Strong, leave alone."

"in spite of

Whatever the result, at least he himself can leave safely."

Having said that, Fang Ze took a puff of cigarette and threw away the cigarette handle.

"He counts certain facts and uncertain unknowns."

"Everything is in his favor!"

"This guy's brain power is terrifying."

"He had no intention of taking the train from the very beginning!"

His voice stopped.

Wang Qiang and the others stared blankly at Fang Ze.

Although the logic is complicated, they understand it.

In the world, before such a person actually existed, if the other party was not too confident, I am afraid that the No. [-] special agent group would not even be able to touch his hair! How high is this IQ! Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 460 Foreign teachers in universities? 【1】

On the street, cars come and go.

Seven people 7 here, surprisingly quiet.

Wang Qiang subconsciously took out a cigarette.

He was really shocked by Fang Ze's words.

Whether Fang Ze's inference is true or not can't be proven now, and he can't say whether he believes it or not.

Recalling the case of Li Chenxuan, Angus also used his super computing power to play with everything that has not yet happened in the future.

Well, this time, it's not so hard to accept.

If the truth is as Fang Ze said.

Can this person really be caught? Wang Qiang, who has always been full of confidence, began to beat drums in his heart.

He had never seen such a thoughtful and terrifying person.

Fang Ze stood on the spot and rubbed his forehead, then said, "He has accounted for every detail."

"Including Liu Ping who couldn't bear the pressure of interrogation and confessed him."

"But even if Liu Pinghe speaks out, it's useless to us."

"It's all good for him."

"He helped Liu Ping, but he also planned to get Liu Ping arrested."

"Every step, he anticipated the possible outcomes."

"In a simple word, it is the fault tolerance rate, which has reached an astonishing [-]%."

"No matter how things develop, it won't affect him in any way."

Beside, Liang Fei and others couldn't help swallowing.

This guy's brain really won't explode due to overloading. Also, Fang Ze can still react, almost blindly guessing the duel between Angus' planned brain power, which is even more thrilling than a blockbuster.

One wrong move and you lose the game.

"Fang team, what should we do now"

Wang Qiang hurriedly asked.

Regardless of whether Fang Ze's judgment is correct or not, now he can only choose to believe.

Angus' abilities are beyond their control.

We can only rely on Fang Ze.

Fang Ze didn't answer immediately, and lit a cigarette again.

Time was running out, and he really needed to think about it.

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