After being reminded by Luo Bixin, Fang Ze reacted, smiled awkwardly, and said, "I'm sorry, I asked a lot."

  Li Ruisi smiled and said, "It's alright, it's worthy of being a young criminal police captain, and his focus is to be different from others."

  Fang Ze coughed lightly, and Su Yao explained with a smile, "Rui Si is a little uncomfortable today. I was afraid that the take-off and landing of the plane would make him feel uncomfortable, so he chose the train."

  "Exactly, the train station is very close here."

  "So it is."

  Fang Ze nodded, if you are not feeling well, it will be very uncomfortable to fly.

  Compared to a comfortable train, it is obvious how to choose, and it is not in a hurry anyway.

  "Body not"

  "Cough cough!!"

  Luo Bixin interrupted Fang Ze's words directly.

  Fang Ze quickly changed his words and said, "You also live by the lake."

  Su Yao nodded and said, "Rui Si likes fishing, just the most

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  When I have time, come and play with him, does Captain Fang like it too?”


  Fang Ze nodded.

  "Then you have a common language."

  Su Yao turns to look at Li Ruisi with a smile.

  Li Ruisi was also a little surprised, but he did not continue the topic, but instead asked: "Fang team just wanted to ask, if you are not feeling well, should you come out to play?"

  Luo Bixin glared at Fang Ze, she finally found the shortcomings of the other party.

  When handling the case, the EQ and IQ are so high, how can it be used for the occasion? Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin, nodded and said, "I'm sorry, I also asked casually."

  "no problem, no problem."

  Li Ruisi turned his head and said, "Team Luo, you have high expectations for your boyfriend. They are all friends. There is no need to be so scruples. Just say whatever you want."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin could only smile politely, but did not refute the other party's first sentence.

  Afterwards, Li Ruisi glanced at Su Yao, and after getting her consent, he said, "Fang team, Luo team, I don't want to hide it from my friends"

  Hearing this, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin were stunned at the same time, not understanding what the other party wanted to say.

  "Tian Lai Manor is the property of our Li family."


  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin were stunned, the news was a bit surprising.

  Originally thought that Li Ruisi was just from a good family, but he didn't expect to be a super rich second generation.

  "and also"

  The surprise of the two was not over yet, but Li Ruisi threw another bombshell: "Penghai's elegant wedding dress is now handled by Su Yao, and the chairman of Youya is her father."

  Luo Refill: ""

  Fang Ze: ""

  The two looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

  Youya International Wedding Dress is a well-known high-quality brand in China. It has branches in almost every city and is headquartered in Zhongnan.

  These two young people together, the weight is really not light.

  The net worth is estimated to be in the billions or more.

  Unexpectedly, they met two people at the train station, both born with golden keys.

  Although I sigh, I am not envious. Everyone has a different life, which is normal.

  Fang Ze and Luo Refill belong to the kind of people who are more free and easy.

  Seeing the surprised expressions of the two, Li Ruisi said: "I don't mean to show off, I just don't want to hide it from my friends, identity and money are not important, I hope we can become 0.

  2 are good friends."

  Everyone said so, Fang Ze naturally wouldn't refute the other's face, nodded and said: "Mr. Li is polite, it's fate to meet twice, we made two friends."

  Although Li Ruisi is wealthy, he does not have the bad habits of the rich second generation, nor does he look down on others, but treats each other politely and equally, which makes Fang Ze and Luo Bixin feel good and have a good impression.

  Otherwise, Fang Ze would not have a hot face on a cold butt.

  "That's good."

  Li Ruisi nodded with a smile, then took out a card and handed it to Fang Ze: "Team Fang, Team Luo, this is the supreme card of Tian Lai Manor, you can enjoy all the free services here."

  "As friends, you shouldn't refuse, right?"

  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin looked at each other

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 86 Conversation caused by fishing [Second]


  Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin, a little embarrassed.

  After all, the two parties have only just met. If they accepted this kind of gift openly, it would feel a little awkward.

  Although this is nothing to Li Ruisi at all.

  If you refuse, seeing the enthusiasm of the other party, it is a little difficult to open your mouth.

  At this time, Luo Bixin smiled and said: "Mr. Li, this card is unnecessary. Since we are all friends, it is better to be natural. In this way, you are comfortable, and we are also comfortable, right?"

  Hearing this, Li Ruisi opened his mouth, just about to say a few polite words.

  Su Yao next to her said with a smile: "Ruisi, you are a naked bribe."

  Li Ruisi knew she was joking, and said calmly: "How can it be a bribe? Fang team is my friend. Since my friend came to play at my place, there is no reason to collect money."

  "Could it be that those who treat guests to dinner are all bribes?"

  As soon as these words came out, the four of them all laughed.

  He's right, this kind of behavior doesn't really count as bribery.

  Bribery in the true sense is the act of receiving property for the benefit of the briber expressly or implicitly.

  Li Ruisi's move is far from attainable.

  Otherwise, they are so picky and let those public officials have private lives.

  The reason why Fang Ze and Luo Bixin did not accept it is not because of this, even if they are not policemen but ordinary people, the situation is the same.

  Su Yao winked at Li Ruisi, indicating that the other party was too abrupt.

  It's just a good friend. After all, I just met, and being too enthusiastic will only arouse the disgust of others.

  Not everyone wants to take advantage of others.

  Li Ruisi was very smart, and he reacted immediately, then took back the Supreme Card with a smile, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was abrupt."

  "It's okay, you are also kind, and we understand it."

  Luo Bixin said.

  After putting away the card, Li Ruisi said: "In this way, I have something to do temporarily. I will chat with you in the evening, and we will play together tomorrow. Tomorrow night, I will invite everyone to dinner."

  "One is to express gratitude, and the other is to celebrate acquaintance. It's okay."

  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin smiled at each other and nodded.

  The super rich second generation treat, you can't miss it, if you refuse again, it will be too hypocritical. This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  the next day.

  Half past twelve noon.

  On the open-air balcony by the lake, Luo Bixin and Su Yao are eating snacks.

  After two days of acquaintance, the two have become very familiar with each other, and they can talk, and the friendship heats up very quickly.

  Yesterday, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin played almost all the exciting projects in the Teana Manor, and they were hooked.

  Especially bungee jumping, Luo Refill even jumped three times intermittently before giving up.

  Of course, it was all Fang Ze's money, and Shou's face was not red, and it was called a gentleman.

  In the afternoon, the two went to eat seafood big coffee and had fun all day.

  In the evening, they chatted with Li Ruisi very much and even joked with each other.

  Time passed quickly without knowing it.

  The next morning until now, this is the moment.

  Luo Bixin and Su Yao looked forward while chatting and laughing.

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