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The scene, and the surroundings, immediately fell into chaos.

"do not move!"

"Damn, lie down for Lao Tzu!!"

Wang Qiang couldn't help but let out a foul language.

He hated Angus so much that his teeth tickled.

Since receiving the order, he has been played as a monkey again and again by the other party.

Even when the factory was abandoned, he almost sacrificed his subordinates.

With Wang Qiang's temper, he did not kill Angus immediately, which was already restrained.

He clasped Angus's hand tightly, took out the handcuffs and chained him up.


Wang Qiang got up and kicked Angus.

"I'll let you run!"

"Run for Lao Tzu!!"

Wang Qiang's anger was ignited and he kicked Angus several times.


Angus' face was full of consternation in pain.

I found him! How is this possible! "What are you doing! This is our teacher!"

"Why are you hitting people?"

After a short silence, there were students around.

It seems that he still wants to go forward with the theory.


Wang Qiang turned his head and shouted angrily.

"you you you"

The students pointed at Wang Qiang, unable to say a word.

This is too domineering! Fang Ze walked slowly and said politely, "I'm sorry, the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau is handling the case."

"This person is suspected of murder. You should call the principal about going abroad."

"take away."

After speaking, he waved his hand.

This is not the place to talk.

"stand up!"

Hearing Fang Ze's words, Wang Qiang pulled Angus up with one hand and supported him towards the exit: walk.

Everyone in the hall, watching from a distance, whispered.

Anyone with discernment knows that this should be the police catching criminals.

The security guards didn't stop me.

Security didn't stop it.

The police at the airport didn't say much.

They just quietly watched the eight people leave.

Outside the airport, Wang Qiang pressed Angus against the car window and said coldly, "You really can run, now?"

"Come and see me"

Angus' face muscles trembled, he stared at Wang Qiang for a while, and said in English, "You're a little familiar, have you met?"

"It wasn't you who caught me."

"If I'm not mistaken, there are experts to help, what about people?"

Hearing this, Wang Qiang grabbed Angus' clothes and shouted, "How dare you be so mad if you hurt so many people!"

He had been restrained before, but now that he was caught, he couldn't help but explode.

Angus snorted coldly and did not respond.

Fang Ze walked over slowly and stood in front of Angus.

Angus looked up and looked at Fang Ze.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Who are you"

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