Although he is not the mastermind, it is hard to say whether he will survive or not.

In terms of brain power alone, the opponent should be above Shadow and Ouyang.

An extremely smart person.

It's just that the profession he is engaged in cannot make him tolerate it.

So is Ouyang.

Shadow, Fang Ze gave him a trace of life.

But if we meet again, he won't let it go.

This country does not need extrajudicial enforcers.

Even if your purpose is to punish evil and promote good, it won't work.

If everyone followed suit, society would be in chaos.

These three people are all high-IQ criminals that he can treat squarely.

Facts have proved that in this world, there are still many smart people and many talents.

Once these people engage in illegal and criminal activities, it will do great harm to the country.

No way, profit driven.

After a cigarette was over, Fang Ze called Zhou Lao again.

Tell the other party that they have been caught and that Zhao Yuling is safe.

Elder Zhou didn't say much, he always believed in Fang Ze.

He knew that the other party would never let him down.

Now is not the time for small talk.

Because catching Angus was just the beginning.

In the future, Zhou Lao will also be very busy.

Fang Ze understood all this, but pretended not to know, and hung up the phone after a few words.

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 464 Eagle Eye Skill [1]


The voice that suddenly sounded in his mind made Fang Ze smile knowingly.

The rewards given by the system this time are not so shabby after all.

It seems that the difficulty of the case is judged, and the evaluation given by the system is very high.


Fang Ze said to the system.

Ding! "There is a lottery for the host, please wait"

Ding! "The lottery is complete, congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare skill: Hawkeye, level: top."

"Eagle Eye"

Fang Ze was stunned for a moment.

Within a few seconds of his daze, a faint light flashed across his pupils.

At the same time, the blurred object in the distance seemed to become clear in Fang Ze's sight.

Over time, the clarity is getting better and better.

Although it is impossible to see the butterfly flapping its wings [-] meters away, but with his sky-defying observation skills, the blind spot of distance from the past has become: farther and farther.

That is, he can now see farther, more subtle things.

This distance is still: expanding.

"It's a good ability."

This time the lottery, the system finally did not cheat him

Time passed slowly.

Fang Ze waited at the airport alone for nearly an hour.

It will take time for Li Ruisi to come to a relatively remote place.

"Old Fang!"

Before the person arrived, the voice came.

Fang Ze turned his head to look, Li Ruisi trotted all the way and came in front of him.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"I asked you to pick me up so late."

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