I thought to myself: I won't be told by him again, right? Fang Ze hesitated for a while, but picked up the phone.

"Hey Uncle Zhao."

Zhao Dejun: "Good boy, well done."

things he already knew

Fang Ze: "Thank you, Uncle Zhao."

Zhao Dejun: "People are still there: Judgment, I know you don't want to deal with these things, so I won't talk to you."

"I'm talking about Yu Ling."

Fang Ze's heart skipped a beat: "What happened to Yuling Yuling?"

Zhao Dejun: "Nothing, did you block her phone?"


Fang Ze was silent for a while, then said, "Yes."

Before, he was unable to do anything because of Zhao Yuling's ink, so he gave the other party's mobile phone number.

But after sending Zhao Yuling to the first theater, he turned around and blocked the other party.

Zhao Dejun said angrily, "You bastard!"

"She's staying in the first war zone now, let you pick it up!"

"Go and pick her up now!"

Fang Ze wondered: "Why let me pick it up?"

"Doesn't she know who I am?"

Zhao Dejun: "You said it yourself, it's Fang Hua's friend, it's my fault."

Fang Ze is speechless

Zhao Dejun continued: "If you really don't like Yuling, just make up a few nonsense. Anyway, you can figure it out for yourself."

Fang Ze: "But I'm flying back to Suhai in the afternoon."

Zhao Dejun: "Shut up! Solve this first!"

"If you dare to slip, I'll call Liang Yongzhou."

"I still have things to deal with here, let's do this first."

After speaking, no waiting: Fang Ze answered and hung up the phone decisively.

Leaving Fang Ze alone in the restaurant, listening to the busy voice on the phone, he was stunned.

Li Ruisi raised his head and glanced at Fang Ze, holding back his smile: "Old Fang, you have a big issue."

Fang Ze slowly put down the phone and scratched his forehead.

"Well, I can't go back."

Zhao Dejun said so, Fang Ze didn't dare to sneak away.

He looked at Li Ruisi.

Li Ruisi said quickly, "Don't look at me."

"I don't know anything, and I won't tell Miss Refill."

Fang Ze's mouth twitched.

The daughter of the dignified military region boss, how did Zhao Dejun, who is like a silly and sweet, educate her since she was a child.

Unscientific, Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 466 Wolf Fang Special Forces [1]

Inside the restaurant.

Li Ruisi looked at Fang Ze, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Old Fang."


Fang Ze raised his head slightly.

Li Ruisi said, "What, do you like Zhao Yuling?"

Fang Ze didn't expect Li Ruisi to suddenly ask this question, but he shook his head decisively: "I don't like it."

Hearing this, Li Ruisi was surprised: "true or false"


Not to mention Zhao Yuling's popularity and influence.

Just relying on the other party's face value and figure, it has almost met the aesthetics of all men.

It can be said that as long as she is not gay, she should not reject a girl of Zhao Yuling's level.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

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