First Theater Entrance:.

The black BMW slowly stopped fifty meters away.

The front is full of guns, guards, Li Ruisi really doesn't have the courage to drive past.

"When I was in the mall, I never saw you so timid."

Fang Ze got out of the car helplessly.

Li Ruisi smiled and said, "Isn't this a battlefield?"

The two went on foot instead and walked towards the gate.

Lei Zhan was a man in his thirties, with a short head and a swarthy face.

It's the traces of wind and rain all year round.

The beige clothes contrasted with the army green of the surrounding soldiers.

But the people around him obviously respect him very much.

In the respect, there is also a trace of fear.

The wolf-tooth special forces are originally the division of tigers and wolves, using one as ten.

What kind of person their captain is, even if you think about it with your knees.

After seeing Fang Ze coming, Lei Zhan's serious face showed a smile.

He rarely smiles at others.

"Fang Ze."

"Old Ray."

The two sides approached and gave each other a hug.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for almost a year."

Lei Zhan patted Fang Ze's shoulder and laughed.

Fang Ze liked Lei Zhan's carefree personality and said with a smile, "It's been a long time indeed."

Next to him, the soldiers in charge of the guards looked at each other, all looking at Fang Ze curiously.

Who can make Lei Zhan so happy and treat each other as equals? Depending on the size and age of the other party, he doesn't look like a soldier.

Could it be some official son "This is"

Lei Zhan looked at Li Ruisi.

Fang Ze introduced: "This is the friend who was talking on the phone, Li Ruisi."


Lei Zhan stretched out his hand first.

Li Ruisi seemed a little restrained, raised his hand and shook Lei Zhan.

The "strongest blade" that Fang Ze said before

The four words really scared him.

The most powerful blade in a war zone.

Could it be that Fang Ze, one of the most powerful troops in the country, actually knew the captain of this unit! Li Ruisi murmured inwardly, how many secrets Fang Ze had that he did not know. Lei Zhan seemed to have no interest in Li Ruisi and said, "Hello. "

It doesn't matter.

He pulled Fang Ze, turned around and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the training base, it's fun."


Fang Ze was puzzled.

What kind of fun can this place be? "Wait a minute."

Fang Ze stopped, turned his head and asked, "Hello, may I ask where is Miss Zhao Yuling?"

The guard quietly glanced at Lei Zhan and replied, "In the war zone compound!"

"Okay, thank you."

After he finished speaking, he followed Lei Zhan.

Behind him, Li Ruisi followed suit.

See more, talk less.

Lei Zhan was strange: "Zhao Yuling is a little familiar."

He thought for a while, then suddenly pulled Fang Ze closer, and said in a low voice, "Isn't that Commander Zhao's precious daughter?"

Outsiders don't know about this, but he does.

For Lei Zhan, the secret is a dead secret with him, and it is impossible to spread it out.

This is the basic training that belongs to the special forces.

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