Yes, men can't really do this.

No matter how powerful the disguise is, it is impossible to turn a man into a woman.

Fang Ze continued: "What is special forces?"

"The word special is very important."

"These people are all omnipotent."

Li Ruisi nodded.

It seems that wanting to become a qualified special forces soldier, skills and marksmanship are only one aspect.

Or, just the basics.

The qualities they possess are more reflected in other aspects.

Get out of danger and perform special tasks.

This is the mission of the special forces.

If there are women and special teams, many vacancies can be filled.

Fang Ze said to Lei Zhan, "It seems that I am.

Ready to meet international standards."


Lei Zhan nodded and said, "That's right, it's a shame to know what it is."

"Other countries have it, but ours doesn't"

Fang Ze smiled and said, "So you've come to the first war zone on the front line."

"Haha, this is a good job."

Lei Zhan laughed.

While chatting, the three of them came to the training base.

Ahead is a puddle.

In the turbid muddy water, more than [-] girls are engaged in high-intensity training.

Three or four people, in a group, carried a huge tree trunk on their shoulders, doing squats and weightlifting.

this way

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The formula is extremely exhausting.

Men don't necessarily last long, let alone girls.

Fang Ze watched for a while and said, "Old Lei, you are really cruel."

Li Ruisi also twitched his eyelids.

If it was him, he would probably have to lie down in a few minutes.

"How long have they been lifting?"

Lei Zhan said softly, "It's almost twenty minutes."


Fang Ze raised his brows and looked at the puddles again.

This time is not short.

Lei Zhandao: "The set time is half an hour, and you can't stick to the elimination."

Fang Ze shook his head and sighed, "They are all women from various units, elites, with their own arrogance."

"If anyone is eliminated, it will be a shame to go back."

Lei Zhan nodded with a smile on his lips: "That's the truth."

"Even if they are exhausted from practice, they will not give up."

"It's hard for me too."

"Fire Phoenix, only 20 people are needed."

"Fang Ze, what do you say?"

Fang Ze took out a cigarette again and said, "I have a way."

"oh what"

Lei Zhan's eyes lit up.

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said, "Add thirteen places."

Lei Zhan: ""

"piss off!"

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