"You can see it"

The stakes are very important, and he needs to ask Li Xingchao's opinion.

Hearing this, Li Xinchao's face moved, as if he was gritting his teeth.

After a while, he said, "I don't care what method you use, within twelve hours, I must know everything."

The man bowed his head and was silent for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "Okay."

After speaking, he quickly left the compound.

After the man left, Elder Zhou turned his head and said, "It doesn't seem like a simple character."

Li Xingchao nodded slowly, and said, "Otherwise, Wang Qiang and the others would not have returned home in vain, and were almost treated as fools."

Wang Qiang had already talked to Li Xingchao about the process of the pursuit.

If Fang Ze hadn't joined before, I'm afraid Angus would have been abroad by now.

Zhou Lao smiled and said, "Now do you know why I did that?"

Li Xingchao lowered his head and was silent for a while, then said, "I underestimate him."

"I thought it was a talent, but I didn't expect to be an all-rounder."

Before Fang Ze, he only saw the ability of the other party to solve the case, but ignored the others.

It's a pity that such an excellent young man should become a criminal police officer.

After speaking, he fell into deep thought.

Elder Zhou glanced at Li Xingchao and said, "Xingchao, get rid of your current thoughts as soon as possible."


Li Xingchao raised his head and said, "Old Zhou, you know what I'm thinking about"


Zhou Lao smiled and said, "After Zhao Dejun knew about Ozawa, he was just like you."

"He won't go."

"Young people today, have their own ideas, and we can't force them."

Hearing this, Li Xingchao was surprised: "Zhao Dejun wants to pull Fang Ze into the team"


Zhou Lao nodded, "It's not been a day or two, and I haven't given up yet."

Hearing this, Li Xingchao shook his head and laughed.

It can be imagined.

According to Zhao Dejun's character, once someone like Fang Ze was discovered, he would definitely try every means, even coercion and inducement, to get the other party to join the military.

Right now, it doesn't seem to be successful.

"never mind."

"Respect the ideas of young people."

Li Xingchao opened his mouth.

"However, what I promised at the beginning is still counted.

Zhou Laodao: "You mean, the deputy director, the second-level police inspector"

Li Xingchao thought about it and said, "I want to give him a first-level police supervisor."

"One level higher."


Zhou Lao shrugged and said it didn't matter.

Li Xingchao asked, "How old is he?"

Old Zhou said, "I remember twenty-six."

Li Xingchao smiled and said: "

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

Twenty-six-year-old Inspector [-]"

"Oh, it's really unprecedented."

Zhou Lao took a sip of tea and said: "Whether it is a senior position or a police rank, the ability is the main thing, and the qualifications are the second."

"Well, that's right."

Li Xingchao nodded.

He agreed with Zhou Lao's words.

If all positions in Huaxia can be climbed up by mixed qualifications.

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